Chapter 1: A bar performance and a street fight

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     This is for Ariabunny101

   Cold air whistled through the alleyway where fourteen-year-old Anna waited for her next drunken victim.  Time had passed slowly and no one ventured into the space between the bar and jewelry store.  The curvey brunet headed back inside where her other occupation waited.  Performing in front of a bunch of drunks.

     The brown-eyed girl was a performer for the Irish bar near the famous Stark Tower.  Crowds consisted of businessmen and businesswomen who needed a Friday night drink. Most tipped the performer but the tips were barely enough to pay the bills.  That's where Anna started pickpocketing. 

      Tonight was no different except for a new group.  Anna spotted them on her way to the stage while grabbing her guitar.  A redheaded woman sat next to the man with a short spiky hair while the two brunet men sitting across from them seemed to debate over some papers in front of them. Last were two blonde men, one with short hair the other long-haired, they were both well built in her opinion.

     As the teenager approached the stage her boss, John, introduced her.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, now performing is Anna our musician.  You can request any song.  Don't forget to tip her."

   Applause filled the air along with wolf whistles.  A shiver of disgust went down her back, the one thing she couldn't get angry about is them confusing her age.  Overtime Anna learned how to contour her face to seem older not only for the higher chance of a job but also higher tips.  Sitting on the stool center stage, she placed her capo on her lap, knowing she wouldn't need it for this song.  With the strumming of a few chords, she began to sing.

     "The club isn't the best place to find a lover, so the bar is where I go. Me and my friends at the table doing shots, drinking fast and then we talk slow. Come over and start up a conversation with just me, and trust me I'll give it a chance now. Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox, and then we start to dance, and now I'm singing like." 

     Words blended with the chords and people began to join in singing, although their words were slurred from their drinks.  Tables of friends and colleagues swayed together and laughed during the song.

     This type of behavior kept up for the rest of the night and through ten other songs.  Waves of suits and pantsuits slowly trickled out of the building till eventually performance time was coming to a close.  Anna had taken a bow and walked off stage to the bar with her guitar resting on her back and headed towards the bar for her payment, then made her way out.

     Making her way down the empty streets, Anna hummed a melody while tapping out the beat on her guitar case. The air had seemed to drop in temperature cause her breath to become visible in the air. Turning down the street, Anna noticed two figures behind walking towards her at a fast pace. She raced forward to see a group of three more people coming at her. The brunette felt growing pressure on her chest. I don't like this, She thought to herself.

    That's when a cold hard metal was pressed against her back. "We know who you are and what you do. Come with us and nothing bad will happen... For the most part." The man's voice was rough and thick with a German accent. "If you scream, I won't hesitate to shoot you." Fear coursed through her veins and her heart pounded in her head.

     A tingling sensation flooded Anna's hands and small sparks began to spew from her fingertips. "I'm not going back."

   The brunette turned to the attacker and sent electrical waves through his body causing him to scream in pain. "SHOOT HER!" The sounds of guns cocking filled the air made the teenager run down the dark ally ways. She knew New York like the back of her hand and thought she could get to a safe place like a police station. Then she realized her location, five blocks away from the Avengers tower. This seems like a better solution than lazy cops, although it might blow her cover.

   Anna sped up and weaved through parked cars and groups of drunk people. Her legs ached and her lungs burned for air. You can't let Hydra get you again, you can't let Hyrda get you again. This motto kept her going and racing towards the building with the bright Avengers insignia. Once the door came into view, Anna pushed her legs harder and stretched them further until she crashed through the doors.

     The commotion caused security to aim a gun at her and a group of six people to run up to her. "I need help! There's a group of people chasing me and-"

     "STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL, SHE IS OURS!" Everyone turned their head to see ten armed men pointing guns at everyone. "experiment 060206 is our property and will be handed back to us, or we will shoot everyone." Before another word could be said, the sounds of guns and bodies dropping caused Anna to shriek in fear and curl up into a ball.

   Seconds stretched into minutes and a person placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "Sweetie, you safe now." The red-headed assassin knew that the girl must have been terrified. "I know you want to go home but we need to make sure your okay and see what those men wanted with you okay?" Anna looked and the woman and nodded.

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