At The Museum

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I couldn't believe it. It was coming right for me. I was so scared! I never even got to give that book back to Tommy. I'm sorry that I lied to mum about eating the chocolate cake. Oh, I'm so silly, I almost forgot to introduce myself! I'm James, James Brown. I'm 11 years old and I live in Sydney, Australia but I'm actually from Townsville, Queensland (Go the maroons!).

Today I'm going to tell you about my crazy adventure at the museum. Well, here goes - I was at the museum and we were looking at the big dinosaur bones. I can't believe they were this big! My favourite was the T-rex because it was so big and strong! Let's just say I'm a bit of a fan of Jurassic Park.

Anyway, we were walking through the museum with the tour guide when I saw a door opened a little. "Hey mum, what's in there?" I asked pointing to the door. "I don't know." she replied. "You'll have to ask Mr Broskinsi." Mr Broskinsi was the tour guide. "Excuse me Mr Broskinsi." I said. "Yes?" Mr B asked. "What's in that room?" I asked pointing to the door. "That is a restricted room." He said and continued the tour.

*RING* *RING* Mum's phone went off. "Sorry Mr Broskinsi but I need to take this, it's from work." She said, slightly scared. "Very well," he said, "but you must only receive phone calls outside." "OK, I'll be back soon James, you stay with everyone else." Mum told me. "Yes mum..." I replied sadly.

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