Angel from the Sea

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Harper lifted her bow, aimed, and fired. The projectile sailed into the lava wall and disintegrated.

"You're replenishing those," Felicity warned as she secured on a wooden sword to provide an imitation weight. As the most experienced legacy, a progeny of Hephaestus and Apollo, she was the leader of the descendants and always kept a close eye to make sure that there was no chance of the lineage being pinned as "weak" or "minor" because they weren't direct demigods.

"Yep," said Harper.

"We have Capture the Flag today."


"Against the hunters."


"And you had better not shoot me when I'm going up."


Felicity grunted and began to climb up the lava wall. Harper turned away and leaned on the side as she ran her fingers idly over the sharp tip of an arrow. The hunters had made contact that they were passing by and would be at Camp Half-Blood for the weekend. They were due for any moment—

"The hunters are here!" Taiga Grace shouted as she flew over the heads of the campers, making a beeline to Harper.

Harper looked up and grabbed her quiver. "Where?" she asked.

"Woods." Taiga landed next to her friend. They took off. "You're still going through?"

Harper nodded.

"Your parents don't know?" Taiga asked as she flew over the river. Harper shook her head as she split the water. "You won't come with me?"

Taiga laughed as they crossed into the forest. "Are you kidding? Aphrodite will skin me alive if her granddaughter joins the Hunt."

Suddenly Harper stopped short in her tracks, her bow notched in a moment. Taiga stumbled a few more steps before backpedaling to Harper, her hand flying to her sword. In one fluid motion, Harper drew and fired. The arrow whistled through the air and was snatched from the air an inch from Thalia's face.

"You're losing your touch, little Ocean Angel," the lieutenant said, winking as she tossed the arrow back to Harper.

"I wasn't trying to kill you," Harper said, beaming at her. "Where's everyone else?"

Hunters suddenly appeared from nowhere, stepping out of their hiding spots into the open. The group had grown significantly, with about forty hunters serving Artemis. If only that were forty-one, Harper thought mournfully.

Thalia turned to her group. "Go on." She shooed them away. "Naomi, you're in charge. Remember, no maiming."

As the girls jogged off, Thalia turned to Harper and Taiga with a smile. "So, how are the spawns of the two most annoying guys I know?" she joked.

"They're fine," Harper said quickly. "How's life in the Hunt?"

There was a noise of angry shouting from the camp.

"I'll go make sure no one is killing anyone," Taiga mumbled and shuffled off.

"Same as it's always been the last thirty years." Thalia glanced at Harper. "You know I won't let you join unless Annabeth says it's okay."

"Mom is unreasonable," Harper muttered angrily.

"Angel, don't let Athena hear you say that," Thalia warned. "You'll be dead in moments. Have you even asked her?"

"I know she won't let me."

"You won't know until you try."

"Please, Thalia," Harper begged. "I'm great with a bow. I'm aware of my surroundings. I love the woods. I have great self control; I swear I'll never look at a guy again."

Angel from the SeaWhere stories live. Discover now