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thanks for choosing to read loved.

before we begin, i'd like to make some things clear :

1. some parts in the book involve Christian beliefs.

sooo why am i saying this? because i don't want to get snarky comments about others' beliefs. okay don't get me wrong here. i like when people speak their minds. it's cool to do so. but please, don't take the low road. don't leave bad comments about certain religious beliefs.

thanks in advance :)

2. no part of this book should be photocopied or posted wherever else whatsoever. at least, not without my consent.

3. constructive criticism is highly appreciated. keyword: constructive.
this is because i'm terrible at writing, especially descriptions. so please bear with me as we do this.

anddd, don't forget to : vote, comment and share!(if you wish to do so tho. but please do it. it's good to support 😉)

spoiler alert : this book is really fast-paced and cliché. 🙈 sue me.

that's all. nice reading!

first three chapters will be published soon btw.

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