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Pearl's POV

8 Years Later

I cleared my table once again, making sure there was nothing left on it. I’d forgotten to take my keys back home yesterday and had to come all the way to get them. =)

“Keys, purse, phone and jacket, okay,” I counted everything to make sure one last time before leaving my cubicle. I started worked at SM Entertainment as the head coordinator for Super Junior’s concerts in various countries. I had started off with a much smaller job and worked my way up. It was my 4th year working there. I loved it but I was starting to get tired of it.I needed a change.

~~~~~~~~~~~~After Work~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Peeaarll,” someone called my name, just as I was about to exit the building.I knew exactly who it was but what was he doing there at that time of the night.I turned around to see the small figure running towards me.

“Minho, what are you doing here?” I asked, picking him up.

“Appa picked me up from school today so I stayed here all day,” he said, moving his eyes from side to side.

“Oh Appa picked you up hmmm,” I said with a big smile and ran my hands through his hair.

“Minho where are….” Luhan stopped outside the practice room seeing him in my hands.“Oh I’m sorry. Was he disturbing you?” Luhan asked walking towards the two of us.

“Oh no, not at all,” I replied handing Minho over.I immediately looked away. Making eye contact with Luhan had been the hardest thing since I first started work at the company. It hadn’t changed ever since. Mainly because it brought back bad memories…

“Okay so I’m going to go now,” I said taking a leave.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Luhan's POV

8 Years Later

It's been 8 years since get divorced with my lovely wife,I mean ex-wife Pearl..After that I'm remarried..Yeah you heard right I'm remarried and I have a son who's name is Xi Minho..And my son is 7 years old right now..I brought him here today because his haven't school today..

"Appa where are we going right now?" My son asked while we are on our way to the S.M Entertainment..

"We are going S.M..You know I'm working there.." -Me

"What are we got to do on there?" Minho asked again.

"I'll do dance practice and you'll visit you uncles.."

"Yeaaahhhhh I'll visit my uncles"

Minho scream like fangirl..Oh My Ear..I can't hear anything..Ohh that's hurt.

~~~~~~~~~~~Practice Studio~~~~~~~~

"EXO Uncles." -Minho

"Hey little Luhan.." -Xiumin

"Oh my God! Who is here?" -Chanyeal said with big smile..

And Minho didn't listen anyone ran toward Sehun..Because he is maknae.. =)

"Uncle Sehun.." Minho said hugged Sehun's leg..Sehun lift him up and they hugged each other tightly..

"I missed you so much uncle Sehun" -Minho

"I missed you too..You don't have school today?" -Sehun

"No I haven't.So daddy bring me here today.And actually I came here seeing one person." -Minho

"Who is that lucky person?" -Sehun

"Pearl..I missed her so much.." -Minho

~~~~~~~~After Practice~~~~~~~~

Still Luhan's POV

We'r over..We did practice of Wolf,Growl,And Overdose..WAIT..Where is Minho?Where is my son?

"Hey guys where is Minho?" I asked them..

"We don't know.."They all said..

"I'm gonna looking for him.." I said leave the practice studio..

I came out and look for him..Run and run and run..I shouted his name,asked some..No sigh for him

"Oh god where did he go?" While I'm thinking,I saw him and run towards him..And what I see it you think? Pearl..My ex-wife..She's still beautiful..

“Minho where are….” I stopped outside  seeing him in Pearl's hands.

“Oh I’m sorry. Was he disturbing you?” I asked walking towards the two of them..

“Oh no, not at all,” She replied handing Minho over.She looked away.Oh it's hurts soo much..Why she is avoiding from me?

“Okay so I’m going to go now,” She said taking and started walking away..

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