Chapter 1: HOME (👌)

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Phun's POV

The plane softly touches the ground as the flickering runway lights danced like tiny fireflies amidst the pitch darkness of the night. The warmth voice of the captain announcing a safety landing echoed along the corridors.

I stared mindlessly from the window as the familiar scene slowly introduces itself unto my numb senses. It has been a long and agonizing ten years since I last step foot on this ground.

I traveled far, far away from this place just like a criminal fleeing from his crime.

Back then, all I wanted to do is to run to the ends of this earth, bury myself in the depths of the ground where no one could find me...where no pain could touch me...where no memory could haunt me...

Soon enough grateful yet exhausted sighs echoed amongst the tired passengers who have endured a long and strenuous almost 20-hour flight. (It's a good thing, I took the one-stop flight or could have been longer).As the weary passengers eagerly marched out one by one, the sweet melodious voices of the flight attendants could be heard as they bid farewell to each passenger with their smiles.

Thank you for flying Thai Airways. Hope you have a great time...

It took me a few more minutes before I could muster enough courage to drag myself out of my seat. I was the last passenger to exit the craft. I hold on to my backpack tightly as if my strength depended on it and gradually walk along the narrow path.

My steps slowly become heavier and heavier as I approached the exit door.

As I drew nearer, it feels like going to the gates of a different realm...a scary place that is. While this side serves as my sanctuary shielding me from all the pain, the other side holds all my memories of HIM. Memories  that I have been trying to bury in the deepest corner of my heart.


Perhaps this was a bad decision...

Maybe... I wasn't ready yet...

Maybe... 12 years isn't enough to ease the pain...

To erase the memories....

To forget the painful past....

To accept the bitter reality....

To accept the bitter reality

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