chapter 8

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“Um Hanabusa,” Akatsuki started.

“What is it?” I asked him tiredly. Man this dance thing is going to such a drag.

“Um, now Hina Inoue is lying at the front,” he states and at the mention of her name I went in front of him looking at the unconscious Hina on the floor. “First it is Yuki Cross and now it is Hina Inoue, I wonder what happened to them both?” I decided to pick her up and walk inside to take care of her. Akatsuki stopped me. “What are you going to do about her?”

“I am going to take care of her. I don’t really want to be at the party anyways. Have fun cousin,” I tell him and I walked inside and into the other room with Yuki next door. I place her down onto the bed in the room and I stared at her.

“What are you doing?” I heard a voice behind me whisper and I shrieked.

“AHHH! Oh Lord Kaname it is just you. Oh I am taking care of Hina,” I answer to him and bow. He smiled at that.

“I can take care of her and Yuki so you can have fun at the party. This is the Aido’s place anyways so you should be out there,” he persuaded but I shook my head.

“No it is okay Lord Kaname, I will take care of this girl and you have fun at the party.”

“Okay well see you out there,” he waves and closes the door. I heard groaning and I saw Hina crying in her sleep.

“No why can’t I remember you mum and dad. All I remember is Ichigo, his family killed my family why? I am so lonely, I miss Ichi-chan. Hanabusa he…” I heard my name but she went back to sleep, wait what was she about to say?! What about me? Oh my I sound like a fan girl or something I mean come on what I wanna know! I leaned close to her face and was inches from her nice lips wait what am I talking about?

Her eyes were opened and she stared at me and went to scream but I placed my hand on her mouth. Damn I ruined my chance! She stopped screaming and looked at me in shock.

“Where am I? What am I doing here? Why were you so close?!” she panicked but I tried to calm her down.

“You’re in the underground mansion which my family owns, I don’t know why the hell you are doing here and I heard you speak in your sleep so I went close to hear you. That is all!” I explained and I know she’d want to leave so I stood up and went to the door. “Please stay for the moment, I’ll come back so stay here, bye!” I quickly closed the door and breathed softly.

“Man that went well,” I gasped and saw it was Kaname. I bowed in embarrassment. “So you have feeling for the girl hm. You do know she can be turned into a pureblood if you break the spell,” he whispers and I freeze.

“I don’t think she’d want me to do it and I don’t know if I she’d want to. And I can’t do that only a pureblood vampire can do that. She is a vampire but she will turn into a level e if she stays like that, but that blood she drank will keep her like that for a little while longer. I don’t know Kaname but I have to go, I need to get my ‘princess’ a dress for the party now,” I tell him and ran to my mother’s room and she was there.

“Oh Hanabusa what are you doing here?” she went to me and hugged me.

“Uh I need a dress and shoes for a guest, I invited her now but she doesn’t have a dress so,” I couldn’t speak anymore because she threw me a pair of shoes and a beautiful dress.

“Oh and give her these as well, she’ll look beautiful in them. Oh when she does come please introduce me to her,” she smiled and kissed my forehead.

“Yes mother and thank you so much,” I thanked and I left to the room. Opening the door I see Hina looking around… more like snooping I thought. She sees me and sees the dress.

“What is this?” she wondered.

“Oh I got permission from my mother for you to wear this and I can accompany you in the party, what you say?”

“Oh okay yay! Now leave so I can change,” she demands and I nod walking out the door and waited out the door. I looked to the vampires at the party and saw wait Zero? Why did they had to invite him, great. Oh Ruka and Akatsuki are having fun. Father is talking with my sister next to him. My mother was going to get a drink. The door opened and wow she looked so beautiful. She came out shyly. She wore my mother’s dress which was a long gown which was a light pink but then another layer on top which is a red colour. The red colour has white patterns on them and had long sleeves which had two different layers on it as well. The red/pink shoes and her hair were up with two long strands on the sides and with that red flower clip to hold it up. And lastly a red jewel necklace. Mother did good, too good.

“Wow you look beautiful princess,” I bow to her and she blushed.

“I’m not a princess, it-s em-barra-ssing,” she stuttered and I giggled. I took her hand and we walked to the stair and walked down to have others stare at us. Manly at Hina since no one has seen her before ever. “Everyone is staring,” she tells me embarrassed but I kept walking.

“It’s okay, they just never seen you before is why,” I reply and there I found mother. “Mother!” I called and she turned around to see me and Hina. I hug her and she looks to Hina and Hina stands embarrassed.

“Oh wow Hanabusa you never told me your girlfriend was gorgeous!” she squealed and hugged Hina and I told her off.

“What mom she isn’t my girlfriend!” I whine and she hits my hand telling me nonsense.

“Oh I don’t believe you for a second darling. Oh hello I’m Aido’s mother and you are?”

“Oh uh hello Mrs Aido my name is Hina Inoue it is a pleasure to meet you,” she bowed and my mother started thinking.

“Where have I heard of that last name of yours before?” she wondered thinking hard and I quickly grabbed Hina’s hand and tried to walk away.

“I got to go now mom, see you later,” I quickly tell her and I start walking but I bumped into Kaname.

“Lord Kaname,” I bowed.

“Well Hina nice to see you here, you look lovely,” he complimented her and she blushed looking down.

“T-hank y-ou Ka-nam-e,” she stuutered in reply.

“Oh Hanabusa who is this woman? I have never seen her before,” he asked in curiousity. Oh no what if they find out about her?!

“Oh darling she is Hina Inoue isn’t she beautiful,” my mother gushed out squeezing her cheeks. Oh my so embarrassing. Thank god Kaname seemed to know this and went close to them. My father’s attention switched to his.

“Oh Kaname thank you for putting up with my son.”

“Oh thank you for inviting me. I don’t usually come to events like these.”

“Oh don’t worry about it, I have a favour.” Oh no way! My sister walks in front of father and I knew what was going to happen.

“Father!” I argued.

“This is my daughter Tsukiko. I hope you take a liking to her, it is our families wish.”

“Father! No Kaname this isn’t what I wish!” I argued but then this up roared the others and they wanted to have their daughters introduced. I walked away frustrated and out of the mansion.


I ran after Hanabusa and found him frustrated outside. He stared at the night and I heard him whine.

“Aido? Are you okay?” I asked him.

“No… it’s just I don’t trust Kaname anymore after Shizuka was killed by him,” he whispered and I hug him from the back. He was surprised but didn’t push me away. He seems different now than we first met, not that much of an idiot. He is… nice.

“I know,” I answer. “I think we should get back to the dorm now since the holidays are starting tomorrow. We need to lock the dorm.” He turns around and we soon had everyone come into the car and we were off.

Vampire Knight fanfic- Hina InoueWhere stories live. Discover now