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After getting sick of twirling my fingers around Harry's damn ponytail, I excused myself to go to the kitchen to get a snack. Harry nodded in response and told me to grab a Snickers bar inside the fridge.

"Are you going to be working all day?" I asked as I handed him the chilled bar.

"Probably, why?" He answered back.

"My boss and other co-workers are coming back in a few hours and there's going to be a party so--"

"Okay," Harry said quickly before I even finished my sentence.

"Okay as in you're letting me go that easily?" I wondered.

"What is that supposed to mean? Of course I'm letting you go, why wouldn't I? I'm not your mother." He spat, rather harshly.

"Fine, alright. Why are you so angry all of a sudden? I just asked a simple question." I defended, backing away slowly from his desk to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Nothing, I'm just stressed that's all. I have a project due tomorrow and I barely even started."

"Well maybe I can help?"

"I don't need your help, I'm fine on my own." He snapped, shoving my hand away from his back.

"Wow, you're in a bad mood today. I'm going back to the office, my lunch break's done anyway." I stomped down the hall and didn't even hear him react, causing my mood to worsen.

Harry can be such a dick sometimes. And I hate his sudden mood swings every damn hour. When I got to his house, he was literally all over me. He carried me to the bed bridal style and gave me a huge hickey below my collar bone. And then later, he was mad at the whole world.

The fact that he wasn't always like this made me wonder what was bothering him. I guess it's just work stressing him out, but he should at least come to me for comfort. My arms are always open and I wouldn't mind if he vented out everything he felt. I'm his girlfriend, for goodness' sake.


"I just lost all my respect for you because of our latest magazine cover." Liam said jokingly as he slid the sample page to my side of the meeting desk.

"What is wrong with having a vampire-themed cover? It's better than having another school clique-themed one!" I shot back and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Vampires are old and overrated, so I think we should make a zombie-themed cover."

"You're kidding right? No one would buy our magazine if an undead model or corpse bride would be on the cover. I mean come on, vampires could be pale as hell but still look bloody sexy!"

Liam laughed, "I think we should leave this part to the editors and stick to what we're actually good at, Sid. By the way, I'm not mad at you for not going with us anymore. I guess I'm just not that type of guy who would hold a grudge on anyone." I nodded at him and our other co-workers entered the room just in time for the meeting to start.

This is the first time I'm going to see Mister Germond again since he didn't come to work early today. He entered the room with a box full of souvenirs from Vegas and sat down beside Liam. He passed out key chains mostly, but Liam got me a really pretty hand bag and personalized mug. I haven't seen Cheryl yet but I was cut-off by Mister Germond just as I was about to ask.

"Alright, I hope you all like your souvenirs. I'm glad Sidney recovered fast from her sickness, and I'm also glad to be back. Now the party is going to be held at Liam and I's shared rest house a few hours away from here so I suggest you all talk about who you're going to ride with." Mister Germond chatted with the other employees while Liam and I made car arrangements.

After office hours, we all met up in the parking lot and was told to follow Mister Germond's car. Of course, I was going to ride with Liam and he offered a ride back home too. A few other people sat in the backseat and I was in front.

"Where's Cheryl?" I asked, my voice low enough so only he could hear me, since our other co-workers were busy talking in the back.

"She's still in Vegas. W-we kind of broke up the other day," he whispered back.

"What? Are you kidding me? What happened?"

"She just said that she needed space, I asked her why and she nagged about how clingy I was."

I felt so bad for Liam because how could Cheryl let go of someone so genuine and nice? I've seen how Liam acted around Cheryl and I sometimes get jealous because Harry doesn't treat me that way. Liam is the type of guy who would do stupid things just to make you smile again. He would bring Cheryl flowers on a regular day just because he felt like it, and I always overhear him asking if she needed anything -- like a back massage, food, even a new pair of Louboutin's. I would kill to have a boyfriend like Liam. Harry is perfect just the way he is, but I guess the downside of being best friend's with him first is that he's too close for comfort and he isn't that romantic anymore.

"We're here," Liam said after tapping me on the shoulder.

I was expecting a small house but I was wrong when I looked out of the car window. It was a huge-ass mansion and there was a water fountain right in front of me. I was still speechless as Liam gave me a short tour around the house, but I got a little too excited and screamed when I saw the large pool in the backyard.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had a pool?! I should've brought a bikini!" I shouted, slapping Liam's arm playfully.

"This is a semi-formal event, Sid. But you can come over anytime to swim because I'm a free man now! Cheryl wouldn't let me invite any women over on regular days, just a few lads and that's it." Liam looked quite proud of himself, but I knew deep inside that he was hurting. I didn't know that Cheryl was a strict girlfriend because she has always been sweet around Liam when we're at work.

A few hours of partying later, I was kind of tipsy and all my energy has been drained from playing Flip, Sip or Strip. This is the first time that I've played and the rules are pretty easy: you flip a coin and call heads or tails. If you guessed it correctly, pass the coin to the person on your right, but if you guessed it wrong, you have to either remove a piece of clothing or drink a shot. I had beginner's luck and ended up only removing my shoes and downing three shots, but I still got tipsy nonetheless.

Liam didn't join the game and only drank one bottle of beer since he was taking me home tonight. I tried telling him that I could take a cab home or I could tell Harry to pick me up, but he said no and I didn't want to argue with him tonight so I let him drive me anyway.

I shook my head and slapped my face multiple times to sober me up even just a little so I could thank Liam properly before exiting the car.

"Thank you for tonight, I had so much fun. Sorry, I can't really say anything much, I'm so dizzy right now. I'll see you tomorrow at work, though." I slurred, blinking at Liam to focus on his face.

"If you could even make it out alive tomorrow morning. You're definitely going to have a bad hang-over. See you later, Sidney." I was about to kiss him on the cheek but he immediately stopped me. Wow, drunk Sidney has no self-control.

"Sorry," I whispered and quickly dragged my body out of the car and ran inside the house.

The lights suddenly switched on and Harry stood beside the door frame in the kitchen with furrowed eyebrows and crossed arms. "Are you aware that it's 4am?"

"Who are you, my mother?" I mocked, trying to walk to the staircase in a straight line. Harry's arms scooped me up and threw me over his shoulders, my mind going 360 degrees and at any moment I could throw up on his sweatshirt.

"Harry let go of me!" I shouted. He placed me on the edge of the bed and left the room to get something, but I blacked out the instant the door slammed shut.

A/N: Going to have a goal for this chapter so ummm 4 comments and 5 votes please? I LOVE YOU ALL xx

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