Chapter 5 - Carlotta

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Café Paris. The beautiful little bakery sat on the corner of two streets, its vintage dark green arches and sidewalk tables creating a cozy little atmosphere. The bell chimed as she stepped in, her long black coat and hood disguising her. She looked around, the long dark green and mahogany counter stretched three-quarters of the way; each table held a centrepiece with a menu, salt and pepper shakers and white roses - the flowers used to honour fallen allied soldiers in the war. The wrinkled paper in her hands crinkled as she looked at it for the hundredth time in the last five minutes.

Café Paris. 3 O'clock.

Her eyes scanned the bistro, her feet leading her to one of the booth's towards the back as she found what she was looking for. Arms wrapped around her and hugged her tight in greeting. Carlotta was there as the ticket that had been sent to the embassy in the morning had said she would be.

"Ain't this great?" Her enthusiasm flowed through her hug. Maria froze uncomfortable.

"Um... yes I guess."

"Did you have trouble finding the place?" Not so much as finding a way to leave the embassy, Maria thought.

"No, not at all." They sat down and ordered making small talk until Carlotta let out an exasperated sigh.

"Neither the meddlesome general nor anyone else is here to control what you do or say, so be a little more independent!" Maria thought the woman was mad. Sure she wanted to be more independent but there were so many rules, so many ways she should behave in society. And yet, although Carlotta was greeted by whispers and shuns everywhere she went, she was free.

They started talking about everything and nothing, how her brother was in the RAF and how she had been sent to Lisbon as England was getting too dangerous, how Carlotta was from a small town in Massachusetts and why she was so free-spirited, without a care for what others though to which she simply replied, "I am the only one who controls my happiness, so why should I listen to the downgrading whispers of others?" They kept talking throughout the afternoon about the nun and the target and all the strange occurrences that had been happening. "I don't trust that general," Carlotta was saying.

Maria remembered the night before, "so you've met him before then?"

"Oh yes," Carlotta pursued her lips, "he seems dangerous. Like he is hiding something. I do think you may be onto something for I've seen the target before and it is definitely the RAF. I just can't imagine why he wouldn't say it outright. I mean, if he really is a general then what problem would he have in saying it was the RAF logo? And the nun, she seems involved, you should stall her."

"I've tried but she always manages to runaway, I've only caught her once and even then she was rushing off to somewhere else, I barely got her to tell me anything."

"Now I know I shouldn't be saying this, much less to a royal, but maybe, just maybe, have you thought that things are not always as they seem?"

"Well I definitely know that things are not," Maria laughed unhumorously.

"No, I mean... when a cat wants to catch a mouse he doesn't simply catch the mouse, he creeps in the shadows to see where the mouse is going so that he can get there first."

"So what are you saying? That I should get a cat to creep in the shadows? What we have rats in the consulate?" Maria laughed again, she stopped as she saw the other woman's knowing impression, "Or... should I creep in the shadows? Get where the nun is going first? But I don't know where she is- oh."

Carlotta had a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'm not saying anything except for the fact that the consulate may want to get more cats, there is an awful lot of rats running around the streets, wouldn't want any to be caught in the embassy." Maria nodded and looked down, deep in thought. They spoke for another ten minutes on boring lessons and the expectations of royal women. She only held back the last time she had seen her brother. That was her own little secret.

As they picked up their coats to leave, Maria thought about the other symbol she had seen on the general, the bird. "Do you know-" she stopped as she saw something peeking out from the sleeve of Carlotta's shirt, a blackbird, the same as she had seen on the General's neck.

"Yes?" Carlotta asked looking at her.

"Oh just, what's that bird represent?" Maria asked pointing to the woman's wrist. She looked down at the tattoo and waved the question away.

"Oh, I got it as a symbol of freedom and independence." She smiled, Maria reattributing it and they walked out the door, each parting in a separate direction.


"Where were you," were the first words that greeted Maria as she entered the front door of the embassy that afternoon.

"I was riding," the governess looked at her, fatigue in her eyes, "with the general," she quickly amended. "We went for another stroll."

The governess looked at her, "well I wish you would've told me. But it's no problem I actually have to go see him now, I asked him to receive a package from England for me. I may ask him how the horse-riding went."

"No that's quite alright, I... forgot my scarf in the stables!" Ms.Elizabeth looked at her startled, "what I mean to say is, since I need to go get that from him, I'll get the package as well."

"Alright then... I'll see you at dinner. Please don't be late." The governess turned around still quite confused. Maria's shoulders dropped in relief. She headed down the corridor, towards the chapel, stopping only to greet Olivia as she passed the kitchen. She was hopping to catch the nun in the sacristy. She turned the corner into the chapel. No sign of the nun. She checked the sacristy. Nothing. Defeated she headed back to her room. She felt the footsteps before she heard them, fast and heavy. The nun! She ducked into one of the arches, hiding in the shadows, wanting to catch her off guard.

The footsteps came closer along with two voices. Two people were talking. It wasn't the nun after all. She made a move to leave her hideaway when she heard an accent. American, from the south. She peaked. Carlotta and the General. The voices stopped and she pulled back her head, deeper into the corner. Her heart beat faster, her ragged loud breath betraying her. She held it and the conversation continued.

"What were you doing yesterday with Maria? And where were you today?" John Edwards cold voice seeped through the walls and gave her chills.
"I hardly think that is any of your business general."

" I don't know what games you are trying to play, but you can stop them now. Our mission is only to get Holmes and the codes. Maria has information on both."

"Both who?"

"Don't play dumb with me, you and I both know they need Jacob and the codes," Maria's breath caught as she heard her brother's name, she calmed herself down "get to her first," he was saying.

"What's that symbol you have on your jacket general? That's what she wanted to know. She thinks you're up to something, which you are and she thinks Martha Rose has something to do with it but she doesn't know anything about the abwehr.." What was the abwehr? Was Carlotta also involved? She crept forward.

"Be quiet." He hissed.

"She doesn't know anything really."

"And we need to keep it that way," he snapped.

"What afraid they will figure out your plan general?" His hand shot out, grabbing her wrist and twisting it behind her back. Maria gasped and both heads turned in her direction. The general's shadow let go of Carlotta's arm and pulled out a knife from his boot. Maria looked around quickly, no curtains, no doors... just the window. She opened it making as little noise as possible, his footsteps echoing behind her as she hoisted herself onto the ledge.

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