Chapter 3

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Zendaya stopped in front of this ginormous house. It was pretty remote almost in the middle of no where, but it actually felt pretty safe considering the giant gate she had to drive through to get inside. She got out of  the car and almost like a wave the warm Atlanta weather struck her and she let out a type groan. She loved the heat, but it was really hot, if this big house did not have a pool she will be murdering a few people.

She walked up the front steps with her suitcase trailing behind her.
"Zendaya!" she heard behind her and she whipped around.
"Laura!" the two girls hugged each other. They met at the auditions for the girls roles. They both had no idea who they where actually auditioning for at the time then at the end they both actually got the characters they wanted to play.
"This place is so big," Laura says completely aw stuck just like Zendaya.

"Yeah it is really big," Zendaya says and Laura eagerly bounce to the front door and rung the doorbell. In a matter of seconds the door flew open and there stood Tom in all of his shirtless glory. His hair was wet and he had a huge smile plastered on his face, it was a fantastic sight to see if you asked Zendaya, but she tried to keep her eyes at bay and not at the washboard abs in front of her.
"You guys made it!" Tom exclaimed excitedly.
"I hope you being so wet means there's a pool," Laura says after hugging him.
"Yes, we do have a pool," he says laughing stepping aside letting her walk through.

"Zendaya," he says.
"Tom," she answers and he smiles at her taking her bag from her.
"I don't get a hug?" she says jokingly.
"Well since you're begging so nicely," he puts her bags down and wrap his arms around her and she does the same.

They are probably hugging far too long, but it's nice and it just feels so natural. Then one of them pull away and weird silence fill the air until someone speaks up.
"Let's go inside," Tom says picking up her bag again and carries them inside.

Zendaya gawks at the inside of the big house. It was just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. 
"I know it's so big and pretty. Come this way," he turns down a hallway and leads Zendaya too a room where Laura was already setting up camp.
"Hey, I hope you don't mind I really wanted to room with you," Laura says and she smiles.
"Don't worry I'm cool with having a roommate," Zendaya says walking to the other bed on the other side of the room.
"Cool so if you girls are done lunch is in the living room, shout if you get lost," Tom says.
"You're such a great host Holland," Zendaya teases.
"I know Zendaya no need to sing my praises," Tom teases back and Zendaya chuckles shaking her head and Tom smiles at her then leaves.
"Hey SHORTY get back here!" Zendaya calls after him, but he's already gone.

"What was that?" Laura asks.
"What do you mean?" Zendaya asks and Laura just laughs taking out her bathing suit.
"That little midget left us to get lost in his big ass house," she says taking out her bathing suit placing it on her bed then she takes out a hair tie and tie her hair back into a messy bun on top of her head.
"Z you know very well what I am talking about and we will come back to this," Laura says walking towards the door," come on lets get lost in this big house," Zendaya get up reluctantly and walks alongside Laura through the house on a hunt for the living room.

To their surprise they found the living room much easier than they thought they would and the boys were already eating what might've been their 10th slices.
"What do we have?" Laura asks picking up a plastic plate.
"Well we have meat lovers over here," Tony starts.
"Pepperoni over there," Jacob asks.
"Some sort of beef and chili situation over here," Tony says.
"And plain cheese over here. It's simple and boring and vegetarian safe," Tom says picking up a piece of what looked like the chili and beef thing.
"Did I hear plain and boring cheese THERE I AM," Zendaya says picking up a plastic plate piling her plate with about 3 slices of cheese pizza while Laura had a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Okay I am Tom Holland...what do I say!" Tom says laughing. They decided to go in a circle and tell each other stuff about themselves and it was Tom's turn.
"Anything!" Jacob yell and Zendaya gets up from her place on the floor and sits next to Tom.
"Okay uh...I was in the Impossible that movie about the Tsunami. I have a dog her name is Tessa...uhmm..well I can dance I am a dancer-"
"Really?" Zendaya said surprised.
"Yeah I am I'm a ballet dancer," he says and Zendaya smiles.
"That's dope," Zendaya says and the others agree.
"Okay uhm I'm Spider-man," he says and Zendaya hits him with a pillow and the others laugh throwing him with pillows as well.

"What would you do if you like really had Spideys powers," Tony asks.
"Definitely rob a bank," Tom answers and the others break into laughter.
"What is like a secret talent you guys have?" Tom asks.
"I can wiggle my ears," Zendaya says.
"Care to demonstrate?" Tom challenges and Zendaya takes her hair and away from her ears to show them and they clapped.
"I can actually sing," Tom says shy.
"Sing something for us," Laura says.
"I have to pee," Tom says getting up running away.

Zendaya's eyes linger into the direction where Tom ran for a little while and she thinks back at the information she just got. He's a dancer, he can sing, he can act and he's so nice this can not be happening. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now