We all left to my houvse tandy and Gwen was in the other room while me and ty was in the living room "miles we should do something tonight" ty said "like what" I said "like p.a.r.t.y" ty said
"really you think fury would care" I said "nah man I mean there's more heroes who can handle new York's villains we need a night off" ty said "yeah maybe your right" I said "you know I'm right" ty said we got Gwen and tandy "guys me and ty had a idea why don't we throw a party" I said "finally" gwen and tandy said "me and tandy been whating to this for a month" Gwen said "so it's settled" we all looked at each other "party time!"we all said ty called quicksilver to help set things up "ok I got everything ready" quicksilver said I looked up and noticed the lanterns weren't hanged "I got this" I said I picked up the lanterns and jumped up on the roof and hanged up the lanterns "done" Bobby showed up and chilled the drinks "the drinks are cooled" we invited a building teen hero's and my team the new ultimates we invited the runaways,all new x men. we also invited johnny storm(human torch),kitty pride(shadow cat),Kurt Wagner(nightcrawler),Kamala Khan(ms,marvel),Sam Alexander(nova),Amadeus cho(the hulk),Jessica drew(Spider-woman),Scott summers(Cyclops).a few minutes later the door bell rung everybody we invited was at the door we let everyone in "sup miles"Sam said "hey bucket head" I said "I told you to stop calling me that" Sam said "I'm kidding" I said "hey if you need I'll be trying to stop Kurt from hanging from my lights"I said "Kurt! get down from their!" I said "sorry miles I get a little too hype at party's" Kurt said "dude you can change your cammo" I said (Kurt had this watch that cammo his body and takes away his tail adds two more fingers and changers his skin color.) "oh really I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable" Kurt said "it's okay mecasa sucassa" he press the button on his watch and changed into his normal self
"See know one cares about what you look I mean look at Sam he wears a bucket 24/7 just to save people" I said "I HEARD THAT!!" Sam said across the room me and Kurt started laughing " you know I am pretty good dj back at the exzaviers school" Kurt said "good to know but I don't have a turntabl-" I said he teleported away and the next second he came back with the turntable "did you say something?" Kurt said a few minutes later Kurt had everything plunged into he used one hand for the left record and the one hand for right record and his tail for the mixer " hey everybody it's DJ NIGHT!" Kurt said he did crazy mixes kitty was standing right beside him we we're all having a good time later on me and Gwen were just Sitting on the stair case "wow this was a great party" Gwen said "yeah I know" I said "hey you wanna have some fun" Gwen said she grabbed my hand and led me to my room we started making out and started having sex the next morning Gwen left a note saying went home and we can meet me at our school campus I got out of the bed and noticed my suit was gone. I went down stairs and saw a guy in a navy blue jacket and black jeans "hey nice suit it's kinda better than mine" he said "who are you and what do you want" I said he turned around and I was in shock hi my name is-" he said "Peter Parker!" I said.