Chapter 12

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"Hey, Youngjae. Can you give me your summary for history? And your english notes now that we're talking about it", A guy, Youngjae had barely ever spoken to, asked two days later after school had ended.

"I don't have them with me right now", Youngjae lied. He always had everything in his bag but he didn't want to give them to everyone anymore. Jaebum's words opened his eyes. He was better than that.

The guy grumbled something incomprehensible and went away without as much as a 'goodbye'.

"Youngjae!", Bambam yelled as soon as Youngjae got out of his classroom. Although it wasn't something weird to see one of his friends waiting for him, Youngjae couldn't help but be surprised whenever they were.


Youngjae liked the word now again. It made him happy to think that he finally had some.

He caught up the the younger boy and together they walked to the school exit.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow. It'll be so amazing!", The boy next to him squealed adorably.

Youngjae smiled as he saw Bambam waving obnoxiously at Yugyeom.

"Yugs!", Bambam engulfed the slightly younger in a tight hug.

"We saw each other ten minutes ago, Bams", Yugyeom rolled his eyes but hugged him back with just as much enthusiasm.

"I know, I'm just so happy that it's finally weekend and also that we guys meet up tomorrow"

A grin broke out on Yugyeom's face and he ruffled his best friend's hair. He then turned to Youngjae.

"Should we walk you home?", he offered kindly. Honestly none of the six minded spending time with Youngjae, they actually looked forward to it. Especially Jaebum.

"I uh-", Youngjae was flustered as he admitted it, "Actually Jaebum said he'd drive me home"

The two younger began to giggle which made Youngjae slightly uncomfortable since he didn't know why they did.

"See you tomorrow", Yugyeom winked at him before he grabbed Bambam's hand and disappeared, leaving Youngjae alone.

He frowned as he watched the two vanish but didn't think too much of it. He went over to Jaebum's car and waited for him there. Not much later JB appeared and waved sweetly as he saw Youngjae.

"Let's bring you home"

When the two were sitting in the car Youngjae couldn't help but tell the older.

"Someone asked me for notes again"

Jaebum didn't comment on it but Youngjae saw how his brows furrowed.

"And I said no", Youngjae smiled widely that his cheeks began to hurt.

"I'm proud of you", Jaebum faced the younger quickly to give him a blinding smile and averted his eyes back to road again.

When Youngjae got out of Jaebum's car he couldn't hide the skip in his walk as he entered his own house, Jaebum chuckled softly as he saw it and waited till Youngjae was inside before he drove off again.

"Hello sweetie", His mother greeted him when he slipped out of his shoes.

"You got a letter", she informed her son. Curious he took the envelope she was holding out for him and ripped it open. It wasn't often he got letters.

His eyes went wide as he read over it and a scream left his mouth. Quickly his mother rushed over to him and took the letter out of his shaking hands to read over it herself.

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