Chapter 8

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Since I was ungrounded, me and Lyle took turns driving to school. I woke up a little too late and threw on clothes really quickly and rushed out the door, as Lyle sat outside my gate. I hopped in and noticed that there was a huge handprint bruise on my wrist from either last night or the night before, I honestly couldn't even keep track anymore. I pushed my wrist in my lap and buckled in. Hopefully Lyle had a jacket I could borrow, I didn't want to ask in front of Erik because then I'd have to explain everything to him and I already regretted telling Lyle anything, even though he practically pushed it out of me. "Morning." Lyle said, as we started driving. "Morning." I replied, sitting in the front and Erik mumbled something in the back. He was wearing his glasses which looked so cute on him. He didn't say anything on the way to school, which wasn't too unordinary because he was not a morning person, but it also looked like he hadn't slept at all last night and his eyes were a little puffy. I wanted to ask him about it, but decided against it when Lyle started a conversation to break the silence. As soon as we got to school Erik jumped out and practically ran inside, before Lyle had even turned the car off. "Do you have a jacket I could borrow? The science classrooms are always so cold." I said, trying to seem as casual as possible. "Yeah of course." he said, opening his trunk and pulling out his Beverly Hills High Tennis jacket. "Is he ok?" I asked Lyle as we walked into the school. He ignored my question and went to his locker, which was in between mine and Eriks because of the alphabetical order, which I was always thankful for. I decided to drop it and maybe ask Erik later. "Bye Lyle." I said, as he stood outside my first class with me. I walked into my class and took a seat. I pulled the sleeves down on his jacket and zoned out. I went through the day not really there, I couldn't stop worrying about Erik. Even in math class, where we usually just talked the whole time, he was silent and wouldn't look at me. I decided to go to the library for lunch, because I had a big project to work on, but mostly because Erik and Lyle were both acting weird and they wouldn't tell me why. As I was walking to last period, I heard someone yell behind me. "Wait, Sarah." Lyle yelled, grabbing my bruised wrist. "Ow." I said, turning around and trying to get out of his grip, which made tears well up in my eyes. He let go when he saw the tears in my eyes and rolled the sleeve up on the jacket to see the obvious handprint. "I thought you said you would call me next time." he said, his face softening. "I'm not going to call you everyday Lyle." I said, his face fell as the bell rang and I walked into my classroom before he could say anything else. I wiped the few tears that had fallen with my sleeve and practically hid myself in my notebook. I decided to walk home, because I couldn't be bothered with Erik's silent treatment and Lyle's pity, so when the bell rang I walked upstairs to the library and pulled out my homework to do before going home, in hopes of them not seeing me walking home.

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