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If you know me in real life, or I have accepted your follow request on Instagram, you would know I have braces. If you didn't know, well you know now... I've had them for almost a year (I know, it's gone so fast!) but in this time, I have had lots of little kids, and a couple of kids my age, ask me either 2 questions; either 1) 'Why do you have braces?'/'Why do you have bands?' and 2.) 'When are you getting them taken off?' If you are one of those people, please don't.

Your answer that I say will go something along the lines of this 'I have braces because my teeth are not straight, I need bands because my jaw isn't straight, and I have no idea when I'm getting them off!' But thee answer I WANT to say is this 'PLEASE STOP ASKING ME BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW! MY TEETH AREN'T STRAIGHT, AND YOURS ARE! ALSO MY JAW IS NOT STRAIGHT, SO NOW YOU KNOW YOU HAVE 2 THINGS BETTER THAN ME SO STOP ASKING ME! GO AND FIND A WEBSITE ON GOOGLE THAT WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANNOY ANOTHER PERSON WITH BRACES AGAIN! Thank you.' But obviously, I can't just yell that at some little kid because then I will be called a bad role model.

Another thing that I hate about having braces is the teasing that goes on. Now I know that teasing someone because they have braces isn't as bad as what people used to imagine, but I get teased just a bit. I mean it's no that bad because it's just my brothers saying I have 'Train Tracks' but it goes on quite a bit. And if you are going to get braces soon, don't be afraid. Let everyone know you have braces and don't be afraid to be proud about having them because in the long run, you are going to have straight teeth later in life.

I also hate how after you get them tightened, your teeth ache like it's the end of the world. And I'm not even joking. My friends know how much pain I'm in after the tightening. You can't eat properly without them hurting. Sometimes it feels like you are going to starve because you can't eat anything-except for soft foods like yoghurt and soup. And then once you have finished eating, you get these really annoying ulcers in your mouth. And then you have to put on this really yucky wax on to your braces to prevent the ulcer from hurting. It's so annoying.

One last thing that I'm pretty sure annoys everyone with braces is the fact that you spit when you are talking. It is so annoying! Not to mention people also tease you for that, but oh well. Imagine you are talking to your crush. He or she is listening to what you and you say a word that has the sound 's'. Almost immediately you spit on him or her, and you know because they are wiping off their face with disgust. I mean this person could be really nice and just keep on their face so you don't notice, but I personally have never encounted a person like that.

I've pointed out the bad things about having braces, but trust me, there are some really good things about having braces. For starters, you are able to pick out really cool outfits that suit your colour choice of braces. And that's another thing that is really cool about having them, you get to pick out what colour you want on your braces. At the moment, I have blue. But be careful with what colours you get- if you get green or yellow or orange, sometimes it looks like you have stuff in your teeth. But hey, if you like that look, go ahead. No one is telling you that you can't! Braces are pretty cool, and help you in the long run. So, if you have braces and you absolutely the them, be thankful that you aren't going to end up with wonky teeth. Your teeth are going to become straight and perfect!

Well that's enough for me. Oh and hey, I did manage to write another one of these Wattpad 'chapters'!

Goodbye Online People :)

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