Part 11

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"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU MEAN WE'RE STUCK?!"  Alois yelled down to the workers who were down at the bottom, you doubted they could hear him.

Grell was freaking the fuck out, he was hugging the safety bars as tight as he could and whimpering. You were surprisingly calm. Though this was scary as FUCK! 

And Jamie was trying to calm Alois and Grell down, "Come on guys it could be worse, when it broke down we could have went plummeting to the bottom to our painful deaths" she smiled. She was kind of sadistic.

Jamie's plan didn't work and they freaked out even more "GET ME THE BLOODY HELL OUT OF THIS THING!" You heard from Ciel, if you listened past the screams of terror you could hear Sebastian trying to "Comfort" him. More like tell him 'blah blah blah it's not good for the family name for you to be terrified of death blah blah blah'

They saw a worker climb up the latter and get to the top, he was up there for about 10 minutes then they heard the air compress thing. You and Jamie knew what that meant, but the rest didn't, you got prepared and about 3 seconds later you were falling at full speed. 

They let you off the ride and you suggested you guys go home, obviously they all agreed, "Yo can I get a ride home?" Jamie asks, "Kay"

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