•Chapter One•

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"Lindsay. Lindsay!" I woke up to someone shouting my name. My head rose from my wooden desk and I looked up to the front of the classroom. I rubbed my eyes, confused of what was going on. All of the kids were looking at me; laughing and whispering to their seat partners beside them. "Lindsay, please try not to fall asleep during class. You'll need these skills for your future," Mrs. Bailey said kindly. She was always my favourite teacher. Cute as a button, only 24 years old, just married to a very shy guy. Don't ask how I know that, I just met him while going to the movies with my mom. I've always found it strange seeing teachers outside of school doing their daily routines while not working. It was quite extraordinary how much they were just like my parents. "I'm sorry Mrs. Bailey, I just didn't have any sleep last night. My little sister was throwing up from dusk 'till dawn. Also I was studying for a science test I have on Thursday," I rubbed my eyes once more, pulling in my chair a little; trying to make myself comfortable. "It's quite alright Lindsay. If you need help studying with any subject, just come to me. My classroom is open in the morning from eight thirty to eight forty-five. I'm also open at recesses on Wednesday," she smiled her warm, welcoming smile at me. I smiled slightly back at her, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Anyways class, where were we?" She looked around the room for any answers. She's the type of teacher who can get distracted very easily and then just forget what she was doing. She pointed to some girl at the front of the room wearing glasses, with her hair pulled back into two braids. "We were talking about how to find the circumference of a sphere," she put her hand down. "Thank you Laura," Mrs. Bailey pointed her pointing stick up to the white board covered with notes about upcoming tests, assignments, and all that jazz. She started rambling on about the formula of the sphere while I zoned out again. I wasn't going to fall asleep again, and I would make sure of it. I opened my binder that had many little pockets in it and opened one that held my pills. These pills helped me not to doze off and to stay awake. They were some sort of greenish colour, with a number and letter engraved on it; E16. I grabbed my water bottle and swiftly put the pill in my mouth, hopefully no one seeing me. I took a quick sip of water and swallowed it down. I closed my bottle and put it and the corner of my desk.

Not long after I took my pill, the bell for lunch rang. "Have a good day class!" Mrs. Bailey waved at the students. Everyone closed their math text books and binders and walked out the class to drop off their books at their lockers. I just sat there, waiting for everyone to leave, so I could go last. It didn't take long for the rest of the students to file out of the classroom. Closing my binder, I get up out of my wobbly chair and tuck it in so no one would trip over it. I walk out of the classroom last and pace down the hallway down to my locker to put my books and binders away. Standing in front of my locker, I do the combination and open it swiftly. Putting my books and stuff on the top shelf, I grab my phone and put it in my hoodie pocket. I close my locker and head to the cafeteria to go get some lunch. Walking to the lunch room, I notice there aren't any students or teachers in the hallway. There should at least be a couple people walking around here. I release that thought from my mind and make the rest of my way to the cafeteria.

          I make it finally since it's on the other side of the school, and walk in silently. All the students were facing the front end of the room, watching the teachers talk. The door slammed shut, getting everyone's attention. The teachers look my way while the principal is standing right by the door I came in. "Good Lindsay, you've finally joined us. Please, take a seat anywhere you'd like," he said, with a emotionless face. I don't reply to his words and just sit down at an empty table. I notice that the police are here, just standing in the corner of the room, hands on their belts. All the kids look at me; as do the teachers. "Why are we all here?" I ask the principal confused. "Other than the fact it's lunch time." He sighs and walks towards me. "You Miss Lindsay, are being taken to a place where you will be treated and well cared for." "Why aren't we doing this in private?" I ask annoyed. He sighed, rubbing his wrinkled forehead. "You murdered your mother Lindsay. What do you have to say for yourself?" I don't know what to say or think. Me? Killing my own mother that I adored dearly? I don't think so! "Excuse me Mr. Andrews, but I think you must be mistaken. I never killed my mom." Tears now streaming down my face. "I DIDN'T! I'M NOT GUILTY! MR. ANDREWS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! I'M NOT CRAZY!" I yell in his face. The police run over to me, grabbing my arms harshly. I tug at my arms to get out of their grasp. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" My face bright red from screaming and crying. "Mr. Andrews..." I cry while being dragged away out of the cafeteria. I'm not sure whether I'm going, but I'm scared. Nothing in my mind is clear, it's all blurry; like fog. My face is all wet and I don't even pick up my feet to walk with the officers. I just go limp in there grasp for a while. My head is pounding in pain and everything just hurts. "H-help..." My last words before my sight and hearing goes dark.

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