•Chapter Two•

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           W-where am I? Everything's all dark. I can hear a slight buzzing sound coming from behind me, but other than that it's silent. I check behind me to see nothing but an endless stream of darkness. I sink to the cold ground feeling helpless. Where am I? Please help me! I try to speak and cry for someone to save me from this dark place, but no sound comes out. Wait... I've seen this all before! In my dream that I had last week! I dreamt that I was inside my mind, but it was all quiet and dark. I know now! I'm just insane! My mouth moves to laugh, but no sound comes out. I'm just in a bad dream! Yeah! That's it! I'll just have to wake up! I pinch myself hard, but nothing happens, just a red mark is left from the sore. I pinch myself again, nothing. What is this? This always works for me! I pinch myself again and my eyes shut quickly.

I open my eyes to see myself in some sort of room. No windows to the outside world, walls a very pale grey, and a steel door with bars where the window should be. I am sitting in a rickety wooden chair that feels like it could break at any moment. I take a minute to look more intensely at my surroundings. I touch the walls, feeling the roughness, like gravel. I look down at my black Nikes and wait a moment for something to happen, but nothing does. I start to doze in and out of sleep, my eyes almost closing completely. Then I notice it.
I'm tied down to my chair with metal bands attached to the chair stopping me from moving. My ankles against the rough wooden chair. I try to move my legs, but end up getting a splinter instead. I gave up struggling, knowing it would just cause more damage.

The door locks click open and the heavy metal door opens slowly. A woman walks in wearing a white lab coat and a clipboard with many papers attached to it along with a pen in her coat pocket. She walks over to me and stands right in front of me, looking down at my emotionless face. I studied her face for awhile; glasses that magnified her green eyes, her short blonde hair that came down to her shoulders, and the beautiful necklace she has on. It had two gems side by side; blue and pink.

"Hello Lindsay, how are you doing today?" She smiled at me. Her eyes shining in the bright light above us. My mouth moved to speak, but no sound came out. "Are you okay," she asked concerned. I shook my head to say I was fine. She undid the restraints and I rub my wrists. I got an idea. I grabbed her clipboard out of her hands and the pen from her coat pocket and took a blank sheet of paper and wrote, 'I'm okay. Just terrified. I can't speak.' I handed her the paper and she read it intensively. "Ah, I see now. We're you able to speak before you were brought here?" She takes her pen and clipboard back. I shake my head yes. "Okay Lindsay, I will be asking you a couple questions today okay?" She looked up at me from looking at her other papers. I didn't answer. "Okay. Did you live with your mother?" I shake my head telling her I did. "Okay Lindsay. Did your parents get divorced at some time in your life?" I shook my head no. They had just gotten separated but my dad still loved my mom. He just had severe anger issues so he got really stressed and said he wanted to split up. I never knew why they didn't get divorced. It seemed so much simpler then just being separated. It's signing a couple papers and agreeing to visitation times and boom! There you go!

          "Okay, now that your mother has passed, do you feel safe in your house with your dad?" I look at the beige tiled floor. "No," I say, showing no emotion on my face. "Oh, you can speak. Could you speak before now?" She picks up her pen that she accidentally dropped on the floor and began writing something. "Yes," I said. "Do you know why you suddenly could not talk?"
"Okay. I will take my leave now, but there will be someone that will come in and take you to your room," She gets up and opens the heavy metal door and walks out before I can even respond.

          I wait in my chair for this someone to show up. Everything is quiet for a little while. Until I hear the tapping of shoes on the tiled floor outside the door...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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