April 6, 2017

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Dear Lovely Boy,

Today is the day of our second date.

I was so excited to see you again that I literally blurted to my dad that I had a date. After a little bit of digging, he finally said fine and let me go.

This weekend I have a tournament in Tennessee and tonight was a sleepover night for my team. I skipped it so I could be with you. I'm so happy I did.

As I got ready for our date I realized you werent answering your text messages.

He's probably sleeping I thought to myself. As I left the house for our date I called you. And I called you. And I called you. I got to the Eye where I parked and I called you once again. Still no answer. I sat in the parking lot for 20 minutes, singing to the songs that would come on the radio and just as I was about to leave the parking lot you called me.



"I'm so sorry. I was sleeping. Are you still there?"

"Yes. I'm here"

"Do you still want me to come?"

"Obviously! I literally waited for you!"

"Okay. I'll leave soon. Wait for me"

And you hung up. I left my parking spot and found a spot in the parking garage. I sat there for another hour as I waited for you to come.

Where did you park? You texted me.

Second floor. On the right. I replied.

I saw you pull in and you parked. I got out of my car and we walked to each other. You pulled me into a tight hug and whispered into my hair.

"I'm sooo sorry. I'm so sorry" You kept repeating. I laughed.

"It's okay" I patted your arm, still wrapped around me.

"No it isnt. I'm so sorry" You said again. We finally pulled away and we walked to the elevators. You decided to play with me, switching from taking the stairs to taking the elevator back to the stairs back to the elevator. You finally went into the elevator and I followed you. When the doors closed you kissed me and I was prepared for it.

We got down to the main floor and you dragged me into the arcade. We played $40 worth of games and in the end you had enough tickets to get a rubix cube and some candy. We walked around the area and asked a stranger to take our picture in front of the Eye. We went back up to our cars where we just stood with each other on the balcony. You would kiss me and kiss me until you heard people coming. You even put a piece of Laffy Taffy in your mouth and made me take the other half into my mouth.

It was getting later and later and you asked if I wanted to go eat. You wanted me to drive so we hopped in my car and took off. You said "Let's go there" and pointed at a club.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I'm 17"

You looked at me, shocked. You looked like you were thinking.


"I'm 20"

I looked at you, shocked.


You nodded.

"I'll be 21 in November"

I sat back in my seat. We were quiet for a while. We let the awkwardness dissipate and you took the hand that wasn't on the wheel.

"Can you drive with one hand?"


"Good" and you took my hand and started to kiss it. I laughed. I still couldnt get the age gap out of my head. We saw a korean place and decided on that for dinner. As I drove into the parking lot I got a text from my parents. They were telling me I had to be home by 10. It was 9:45.

I was pissed.

I turned us around and drove us back. On the way there, you said to me.

"Man. You're 17" I nodded.

"Yeah. And you're 20"

"Maybe.. You know.. We should just be friends?" I looked at you. My heart broke when you said that. I had to stop tears from welling up in my eyes. I shook my head.

"No. I don't like that"

"I know. Neither do I. But I don't want to get in trouble. I could get into a lot of trouble"

I stayed quiet. You kept my hand in yours and rubbed it. I looked down. No I don't want that. I tried my best to think about your situation but I was being too selfish. We stopped talking about it. We finally got back to the garage where I dropped you off at your car. You kissed me goodbye and I had to race home. The entire ride home I kept thinking about what you said. Just Friends... I don't think I can be just friends. I don't want to be just friends.

I got home and talked to my mom a little bit. She seemed upset that I was on a date with you. I showed her the picture we took together and by the way she looked it seemed like she didnt like how you looked. My heart broke. No acceptance from mom. She started going on about how she wanted to know more about you because she wanted me to be safe but I feel like it was just her being selfish and not wanting to let me date.

I went to bed that night, angry at my mother and stressed out about our conversation. Hopefully everything will work out in the end.

A Lovely Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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