«Left Out»

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You sigh as you watch your sister bound down the steps laughing with almighty Prince Thor. You wanted to be with them, talk to them or even just listen to them. But your sister thought it best to leave you behind as she went off with her friends.

And as you watch them disappear around a corner you try your best to hold back tears.

It was always like that in a way though.

You would be left behind and you'd shed a few tears in a room then get up and wander the palace until she got back.

Today would be no different.

"Hold it together ___" you tell yourself turning away from the balcony as you did so.

(Hello reader, FYI ___ is for your name. Don't know bout you but when I read FanFictions Y/N makes me read it in my head and I never use my name.)

You take deep breaths and walk down the empty palace hallway to a place you had gone to in the past when Sif did this.

The library.

It was the one place you went the most when Sif left you. You would sit on one of the big, soft sofas and envelop yourself in one of the books for hours until she came back.

But this time you would probably just cry into one of the pillows.

Your eyes were starting to water the more you thought about it, so you started to run towards the library door in a desperate measure to hide your tears.

Once in you slam the golden door shut and let a sob escape as you slide down it, curling your knees up to your chest and burying your face as you did so.

Your tears flow and you quietly sob into your knees just in case anybody was listening.

Letting little raspy breaths out as you did so in replace of the sobs.

After letting your body shake and quiver underneath your sadness you start to try and wipe your tears until someone clears their throat and you whip your head up to see black and green armour staring back at you.

Wiping your tears you jump up from the floor and try to compose yourself, "Sorry I didn't realise anyone was in here.. I'll be going.." You mutter to them, your head low.

You start to turn to leave but pause when their voice rings out, "Please don't."

Pausing you let your hand slip off the door handle and turn to the person taking a deep breath.

But you weren't expecting to see the God of Mischief in front of you with a sad look etched on his face.

"Pardon me, but you are Sif's sister? Am I wrong?" He asks, setting a book he held down on a table.

You nod slowly, not knowing where this was going.

He looks at you and then at the wall, some kind-of knowing look on his face. And after a few moments of silence he whispers with a croak in his voice, "Did she leave you behind too?"

Crystal droplets form in your eyes as your lip starts to quiver. You nod trying your best to hold back more tears.

"Darling please don't cry, tears are not my strong suit." He says quietly as you try and wipe them away but only to be replaced by more. You can't help it and just let them flow and that's when Loki, The God of Mischief, starts to panic.

"By Odin's beard.." he mutters and you see him through blurry eyes look away and run a hand through his hair before he turns back to you.

Sighing he walks up to you and pats your head gently, "It's okay little midgardian.. I'm lonely too.." You stop crying and look up at him confused. He seems very awkward trying to pat your head in a comforting way and you can't help but smile a little.

"Thor doesn't include you in his activities does he?" You ask him wiping your tears away and giving him a knowing smile.

Nodding he casts his eyes to his book and picks it up holding it out to you.

"I may not know your name yet but this book always helps me feel better. Maybe we could read and have a nice chat until they get back?"

Finally having dry eyes you nod and smile, "I would like that.." while taking the book into your hands.

*le asgardian time skip*

It had been around an hour since you and Loki had sat on the Library's sofa and started reading books. You had both picked out a book that you liked and gave it to the other to read.

You were currently reading Twelfth Night by Shakespeare from Midgard.

And Loki was right, it did make you feel better. You would smile at some bits and giggle at others. All the while you would occasionally hear Loki chuckle under his breath during the book you chose for him.

Finally just as you finished your book someone knocked on the library door and a Guard walked in.

"Prince Loki, Queen Frigga has told me to inform you that Thor has chosen to have some sort of sleep over with his friends and that your welcome to join. What would you like me to tell her sir?"

Loki sighs and shuts his book, setting it on the table before glancing at you and smirking, "Tell my mother that I will be having a sleep over with my new friend tonight."

The guard nods and leaves the Library, shutting the door as you did so and leaving you gaping at Loki.

He raises an eyebrow at you as he stands up, "Something the matter Darling?"

You shake your mind away from your thoughts and manage to mutter a sentence, "I've just never had a friend before.."

Loki laughs, "Neither have I, but I would love to have a sleep over with you ____ if you'd allow me."

You smirk back at him, a mischievous glint in your eyes, "Could we play some pranks on them?"

Taking your hand and leading you out of the Library you hear Loki chuckle, "Oh yes ____ you are now my best friend.."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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