Chapter 3

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"Holy... What the fuck Louis!?" Harry shouted. I woke up and noticed Harry standing in front of the couch starring at my bare naked body. But he kept his eyes lingering longer on my lower regions. Hmm.

"What? You've never slept naked before?" I asked grabbing the sheet and covering my lower body with it. He was still starring at me. So I cocked a brow and looked right back at him. It took him a few seconds to come back to reality. Guess he enjoyed my body.

"Huh?" He asked looking at me. He didn't even hear my question.

"I said, you've never slept naked before?" I repeated. He looked at me like I was crazy. 

"Course, I sleep naked all the time, just not at other peoples houses. Have some respect jees." He said with a roll of his eyes. I just glared at him and huffed. 

"Whatever. Why are we up so early?" I asked standing up and dropping the sheet and letting it fall to the floor. I bent over and grabbed my boxers and started to slowly pull those up. Lets see if I can mesmerize Harry again. 

"Uh. B-because. What?" It worked! He's checking out my ass. Not to sound conceited, but I do have a great ass. 

"Well if you would stop checking me out,-"

"Whoa, I'm not checking you out. In your dreams. It's a little hard to concentrate when you have someone butt naked in your house and talk to them." Rude. But I see his point, sorta.

"Well Liam always just turns around and talks to me, you could do the same you know." 

"Just- What were you saying?" 

"I asked why we were up so early? Its 6:50 am. Class doesn't start till 8:00." I normally sleep in till 7:30, wake up, shower, and leave. I skip breakfast half the time because well I'm always running late. Mum hates it when I do that. But today is early.

"Cause we have to go pick up your car. You left it at the bar, remember?" 

"Yeah, I remember a lot from last night." I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing. You think I can borrow a pair of jeans and a shirt? I don't want to go to school wearing the same thing I wore last night." 

"Uh, no. Come on put your clothes on and lets go." I frowned, but did as he said and we hopped into his Range Rover. 

It was a quiet and awkward ride back to the bar. We didn't speak to each other. He didn't want to speak to me, and I really didn't want to speak to him either.  It was a twenty minute ride to the bar, and a twenty minute quiet and awkward ride. 

"Where'd you park?" Harry asked finally breaking the silence that spread throughout the whole car. 

"In the back." He nodded and drove to the back parking lot of the bar. And there was my car... with a boot on it along with a ticket. Great.

"Fuck!" I groaned getting out the car. I walked over to my car and bent down by the tire. This can't be happening right now. My mum is going to be so mad. I took the ticket off the car and read how much it was.

"Hundred!" I screeched as I looked at the ticket. "I don't have a hundred dollars to pay for this! Oh my god I'm going to be in so much trouble!" I groaned dragging my hands down my face. I kicked my tired with the boot on it, and it probably wasn't the smartest idea. I have a sprained wrist, and now I probably just broke a toe. 

"Fuck!" I yelled. I heard Harry laughing in the background of all this. I turned on my heel and glared at him. "And what the fuck are you laughing at?" I yelled. He shook his head and continued to laugh.

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