Chapter three

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Sam and Oliver sped out of the station, not wanting to miss their guy again.

"I'm gonna keep the sirens off so I don't startle the guy." said Sam as he parked on the corner of main and Woonsocket. It really was ballsy of this guy to attack someone so close to the station.

"Let's hurry." Oliver agreed. Both jogged up the ally, unknowingly walking the same steps andy did just ten minutes ago. The dim lighting wasn't helping, but either way, neither man could see a thing.

A groan from a few feet in front if Sam caused him to draw his gun cautiously. He marooned to Oliver to slow down, and they cautiously approached a figure- no two figures- lying in the ground. Sam approached the one on the right, but holstered his gun to check the man's pulse.

"You can put the gun away Shaw. Dead as a doornail, with a bloody knife in his hand."

But Oliver's voice sounded scratchily from behind him, "Dispatch, this is 15-19 I need an ambulance. We have an officer down on the corner of woonsocket and main! I repeat, officer down!" Sam stared in disbelief as he staggered over to the second body.

Andy McNally lay, still breathing, in a sportsbra and sweatpants, bleeding from multiple wounds a over her body. The only thing as startling as her blood on the snow was her bruises on her pale skin.

"McNally! Wake up, please!" he dropped to his knees and shrugged off his jacket, pressing it into her stomach. Oliver was cradling her head, checking for a pulse.

"Swarek, she's breathing! No other major wounds I can see, she cold though. Ambulance will be here in ten."

"I'll keep pressure on this, there's a blanket in the back of the car, grab it." Sam instructed as pressed his hands onto Andy's stomach. As Oliver ran to the squad car, Andy moaned in pain and squinted up at Sam.

"Sam?" she mumbled, obviously exhausted "Is the-is she- the woman- I can't.." she trailed off and started to close her eyes again as pain radiated from her stomach.

"I need you to open your eyes Andy!" San told her frantically, lifting one of his hands to cup her face. "I need you to stay awake Andy!"

She complied, but grabbed his wrist, "Don't talk to me like I'm a victim, I'm fine. I just need a couple of stitches- gah!" she gasped as she shifted and his hand dug into her wound.

"Ok, you're not a victim. You're a cop. That's good, keep looking at me that's it." he kept his eyes fixed on hers, wincing every time she gasped in pain.

"I'm more cold than in pain." she stuttered. Her eyes fluttered shut again and she clutched onto Sam's wrist as he caressed her cheek.

"Andy? Andy? Open your eyes! Oliver!" Sam yelled as Andy stopped responding.

"I'm here, I'm here! Wrap her up in this." he spread the blanket on the ground and they worked together to gently shift her onto it.

"How far away is the ambulance?" asked Sam as he re-folded his coat and pressed it to her stomach. Andy gasped for breath and opened her eyes again, cringing in pain.

"Would you quit that?" she asked feebly. "I'll come up there and hit you next time." she threatened. Oliver chuckled in relief: if she could threaten Swarek she must be feeling alright.

"I'll tell ya what, tomorrow you can hit me as much as you want. We can box if you want. Or spar. You choose." Sam offered, relieved that she was awake.

"Ambulence is here Sam." whispered Oliver. The flashing lights brought him to his senses, and he pulled away as medics swarmed the scene. But andy clung to his wrist like it was a lifeline, forcing him to kneel by her side.

"Andy, I've got to to go, these people are gonna take care of you."

For a moment she only gripped his wrists harder, staring into his eyes and revealing the fear she had never shown before. Then she let go, and was gone. Whisked away to the hospital. Oliver rested his hand on Sam's shoulder as he radioed Jerry. It was time to process the scene, and the body.

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