Katelyn Has Posted A Message: Kaley tell everybody now.
Garroth: Tell us what?Laurence: Yeah what?
Kawaii~Chan: What did Kaley~Sama do?
Google: MoRe LiKe WhAt DiD wE dO?
Aaron: Jesus!
Katelyn: Kaley.....
Kaley: Alright look Kathryn's Google, only because I wanted to see Trav-Trav jelly, but Zu~Zu didn't so 😭
Travis: So you're single......
Kaley: Yes, wait.
Google Changed Their name to Kathryn
Kaley now has A Relationship with Cheese
Travis: Cheese?Cheese: AAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!
Katelyn: KATHRYN!
Kathryn: It's not me I swear!
Cheese: I liek pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaa
Kaley: Cheese stop with the coffee
Cheese: Aaaaaalllllrrrrrriiiiiiggggggghhhhhhttttt bbbbbbbaaaaabbbbbyyyyy
Travis: I'm going to murder cheese.
Aphmau: Travis don't kill the child!