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I finished typing the message I click send,
"I love you baby girl, I'll message you when we land"
The connection goes out.
A few hours pass..just staring at the barren land below. The land of green, brown, and red. The clouds below of pure white just like snow. The skies of grays due to the passing storms. Lightning and fog surround us.
An hour passes by and all is good.
The plane started to shake uncontrollably. Everyone began to frantically look around awaiting what comes next. I look out my window and I see fire coming from the right turbine.
This can't be good. I look around to see if there's anybody who isn't going chaotic from the possible death that awaits us.
The plane begins to violently descend.
I get this dropping feeling in my gut, I'm not going to make it home.
The alarms and oxygen masks start going off. The clouds start to shroud the plane as we fall quicker and quicker. All around me loved ones huddle together as tears stream down their face.
Broken I love you and it'll be okay fill the air.
The ground gets closer and closer, the green trees and mountains are getting nearer and nearer. People are starting to pass out, blocking the walk way.
The flight attendant is trying to calm everyone's nerves. It's not working.
I see the ground about 2000 feet from me.
Next thing I know everything goes black and silent.

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