Joy of me

209 10 13

first of all I LOVEEEE rain :D

second of all thankyou LadyZoe for commenting :D i appreciate it :D so, this peom is dedicated to LadyZoe :)

Song~~Lollipop in Stand by me movie :D gosh! I LOVE THIS MOVIE :)


Joy of me

Joy is Rain

It makes me happy

I get hyper whenever I hear rain on my rooftop

When it means something to me

Especially when it's raining

The sound of the rain and the smell makes me curious

I always want to go outside the house

To play or to enjoy the rain

I just love getting wet especially when it's raining

When there is cold air and it's windy

Rain just makes me happy,

No matter what happened to me.

But whenever I try to go outside

My mom calls from inside

"What are you doing,

You'll get wet come back"

then I go to school

I always wish it to rain after school

But I do not want it to rain,

that, hard to flood the city.

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