Chapter 1

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[So just real quick here, I do not own Camp Camp or any of the characters! The only things I own are this story and the cover art! Just making that clear, so now let's get into the story I guess! I hope you like it! This is my first time publishing a fanfiction so...yeah!]

David peeked into Max's tent. "Good morning, Max! Up and at 'em! We've got plenty of fun activities for today, and you wouldn't want to miss them by sleeping in all day!" He said with a cheerful and enthusiastic tone. Once he left to go wake up the other campers, Max groaned and slowly sat up. "F**k you, David." He pulled on his hoodie and stared at the other side of the tent for a while. He glanced at his backpack and remembered that it was the last day of camp. Sure, he hated camp and pretty much everything there, but through his experiences he had to admit, Camp Campbell was ten times better than home. Max rubbed his eyes and stood up. After stuffing his teddy bear, Mr. Hony Nuts, into his backpack, he groggily made his way out of the tent. He had hardly gotten any sleep the night before, as he had been worrying about this day. He walked into the Mess Hall and was greeted by Gwen, who was serving breakfast to the campers. She set a plate in front of Max when he sat down. It's contents consisted of a pancake, two sausages, and a small pile of scrambled eggs. Max glared at the plate as if it were the source of his problems. His mood only worsened when the chipper voice of David rang throughout the room. "Well campers, as you all know, today is our last day of summer camp." He sounded a little sad, but perked right back up. "So today, we're going to be doing some special activities in order to say goodbye to Camp Campbell!" "Great, I can't wait." Said Max sarcastically while he poked at his food. Nikki and Neil were now sitting next to Max, and realized that he seemed a little more grumpy than usual today. "Hey Max, what's up?" asked Nikki, who was chewing a forkful of eggs. "Nothing." Said Max, still glaring at David. "Uh, are you sure? You seem pretty..." Neil paused as Max glared at him now. "I said it's nothing! Just shut up!" Neil and Nikki decided that it would be best to keep their mouths shut.

After everyone was done eating, they were escorted outside by David and Gwen.  "Aren't you exited, Max? This is going to be so much fun!" said David cheerfully. "I don't see what's so fun and special about swimming in a filthy old lake." Replied max, scowling at the ground as they walked. "But there's so many things we can do in the water!" Cried the Joyful Counselor, beginning to go through a list of things before Max interrupted. "I don't give a s**t, David! Either way, I'm not going in the water! Just leave me alone!" David looked down at the ten year-old. "Well Max, I won't make you, but you're always welcome to join us if you change your mind!" Max didn't look at him. "Yeah, whatever." Max sat off to the side while the rest of the campers swam. Gwen came and sat down next to him. "Hey Max. Is something up little buddy? You seem more whiney today. You know you can always talk to me or David." She looked at him and waited for a response. "It's nothing." He said and she frowned slightly. "It doesn't seem like nothing, Max...I know you're supposed to hate Camp Campbell and everything it stands for, but could it be that you'll miss the place?" At this, Max looked up at her with a mixture of anger and surprise on his face. "What?! Why would I miss a S****y Hellhole like this?!" Gwen Chuckled quietly. "Calm down, squirt! It was just a suggestion." Max continued to frown, but didn't respond. They sat in silence for a while, until Gwen stood back up. "Well, I better start gathering up towels for the other kids. You're welcome to come with if you want." Max continued to sit, so Gwen took that as a "No" and walked off. After all the campers dried off and got back into their normal clothes, there was a game of Frisbee. The game went by quickly, and soon it was Lunch time. The campers all made their way to the mess hall except for Max, who walked around and picked up the flags and frisbee, deciding there was nothing better to do as he didn't plan on eating. "Oh, look at that! Max is being so helpful!" David cheered as he jogged over to Max and took the flags and frisbee from him. "Thanks, Max! Now why don't you go on over to the Mess Hall and have yourself a great lunch!" Max stood in place. "I don't plan on eating that crap today. When I get home I'll just get something out of the fridge or whatever." Max knew he really wouldn't. He knew his parents wouldn't allow it, but he'd rather not eat at all instead of eat what the Camp had to offer. "Max, You should eat three balanced meals a day! It's not good for you to put off eating for-h-hey! Are you listening to me?" Max had started to walk away from David, ignoring what he had to say.

Sooner than Max would have hoped, the end of the day had come and the time for Parents to come and pick up their kids drew nearer. The counselors and Campers were currently gathered around a large Bonfire, roasting Marshmallows and making S'mores. Max sat far away from the Camp fire, leaning his head against a tree and trying to think of ways he could possibly avoid going home, but the chances were slim. David walked over to Max and kneeled down. "Hey, Max! Is everything alright little buddy? Why don't you come on over and join us?" Max only looked up at david, currently unable to think of something mean to say back in his defense. David's smile dropped slightly as he watched Max. "Just...leave me alone." Max said, burying his face in his arms. "Max...?" David reached out to Max, but pulled his hand back, deciding it would be best not to touch him. David moved back a bit to give Max his space, but remained close enough to keep and eye on him and make sure he was alright. Soon, the time came. Parent's cars started pulling in and kids started getting picked up. "Well, this is it! The final day! My friends shall all be missed! FAREWELL, CAMP CAMPBELL!" Preston shouted as he climbed into his grandmother's car dramatically and rode off. Soon after came Nikki's mom and Neil's dad, both riding in the same car. Neil facepalmed and walked to the car with Nikki. Nikki stopped for a moment. "Wait a second, where's Max? I haven't seen him since the bonfire!" Neil looked at her. "Maybe he's just packing." He suggested. The two were about to go and find him before Nikki's mom shouted from the car. "Nikki, sweetie! It's time to go! I've got an important appointment when we get home!" After waving until the car was out of sight, David turned to Gwen. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Max for a while! Have you?" Gwen shook her head and looked around the camp. "How about I look in the Mess Hall, and you look in his tent?" David nodded and headed off towards Max's tent. He unzipped it and looked inside. "Max?" He looked down and saw Max sitting on the floor, hugging his backpack. He looked up at David. "What do you want?" He asked, sounding tired and irritated. David looked at Max quizzically, and Max just looked back down at his backpack. "Do you want to come out here and wait for your parents?" Asked David. "No!" said Max, looking back up. "I...I mean no. I'm fine." David blinked slowly. "Are you sure? You can come hang out in the Mess hall with me and Gwen! It looks like your parents are a little late, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!" Max frowned, and forced himself not to start crying. Especially in front of David. He would never admit it, but he had grown quite fond of David and looked up to the man more than anyone else. He never understood how David could be so happy all the time and put everyone's needs and wants in front of his own. "I...Fine..." Max said, standing up. He didn't want to be all alone when his parents arrived. He walked into the Mess Hall and sat down next to David and Gwen. Neither of them spoke for a long time. After about an hour, It was 9:37. David stifled a yawn and checked his watch. He was about to say something to Max when the sound of tires on gravel was heard from outside. "Oh!" David sprang up. " That must be your parents, Max!" Max's stomach twisted, giving him a sickening feeling. He tried to cover it up by just frowning. "Y-yeah...I guess so..." David looked back at Max, noticing the strange tone in his voice. "Aren't you happy to be going home, Max?" He asked. Max was about to respond when a horn honked. "...I guess I better get going." he jumped off the chair, pulling on his backpack. He pushed open the door and inhaled before quickly walking towards the black car. He climbed inside and David walked to the front of the car. Max's dad rolled the window down. Unlike Max, he was white. He had blue eyes and brown hair with a beard, and was large and muscular. In the passenger seat was Max's mom. She had tan skin, black hair, and green eyes, like Max. She was curvy, and wore gold piercings in her ears, nose, and bottom lip. David cleared his throat and looked Max's dad in the eye, although he was quite intimidating. "You must be Max's parents! It's so wonderful to meet you! It's been wonderful having Max here at Camp Campbell, and I hope he'll be able to make it again next year!" In the back seat of the car, Max silently agreed. Max's dad put on a large smile and spoke. "Of course. We're very glad to know that our son has had the best care here at Camp. We can't wait to hear all about what he's done this summer!" This was a load of Bulls**t and Max knew it. His parents could care less about what he did, as long as it didn't cause them any trouble. "Well, I'm glad to hear that! I hope you and your wonderful son have a fantastic rest of your year!" Max glared out the window. That F*****g tree-lover was completely oblivious to the actual situation. Max didn't protest, however. He knew that if he did, his parents could easily convince David to not worry, and Max would suffer the consequences. Max knew it was hopeless, and that there was nothing he could do. At least, not at the moment. Too soon, they were driving off. Max watched out the back window as David waved, and the Camp grew further and further away. He held back his tears. Knowing his parents would punish him if he cried. No one spoke for the entire ride.

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