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Okay everyone hates this, I'm sorry but here it is *sigh* *mutters random stuff while walking away*

(Y/n) - your name

(H/c) - hair colour

(F/c) - favourite colour

(2f/c) - second favourite colour

(M/n) - mums name

(D/n) - dad name 

(B/n) - brothers name

(F/o) - favourite outfit

(F/s) - favourite song

(f/g) - favourite game/ video game

(E/c) - eye colour ( it doesn't have to be your real eye colour so it can be red,purple etc.)

ANNND that's about it if I missed any then I will make sure to tell you guys when I am going to be adding one and also when it's typing in bold that means me also known as KITTY~CHAN is talking. (131 words)

Have a lovely day my kittens!


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