Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I hung lonely from the wall, now.
I bowed my head in defeat. He took all of me- everything. It was almost like I was empty, or swollen.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to nobody.

I paused, taking a deep breath.
Breathe, Alana. Breathe.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I don't know why I deserved this, but I'll find out."

Is this really the end? I thought.

I reached for my stomach, tapping it.

"Can't be," I whispered. "Can't be."

But it was. I could go into labor anytime soon. It scared me so much... My mom would never be here to see her grandchild.

But I snarled, realizing the father was Jason.


J a s o n.

J. A. S. O. N.

Determination suddenly vibrated through my bones. I wrapped the chains around my wrist, pulling them. They had to be old- old enough for me to undo myself.

Behind me, I felt light shine on my back. There must have been a window of some kind. I could try to fit through it.

I grabbed the chains after letting go. I twisted my wrist around them again, feeling the rust on my palms. I gritted my teeth, pulling down. I felt something snap, and it was the chain above my right hand. The wall snapped, causing wood to topple on me. I felt my hand get pushed down. I looked, and wanted to cry at my work.

One hand down, another to go.

I hung from the ceiling still. My right hand throbbed terribly, causing me to wince every minute.

I pushed down as hard as I could with my two hands, my adrenaline high.

Please... break, I begged.

And to my fortunate luck, I felt the wood above me crack. It was too early to cry now, so I slammed my left hand down, allowing it to go down as far as my thigh before the chains snapped from the ceiling. A chunk of wood hit my head, making me moan in pain.

But I was free. My shoulders felt like thousands of needles, but I ignored it. I was so close.

I wasn't even aware of when I fell, hitting the floor. I felt pain in my full leg- and I prayed Jason wouldn't hear anything. I closed my eyes, letting my pain slowly subside. And then, I kept going.

I dragged myself towards the shining window. It was about the size of a regular window... only shaped in a circle. I think it was pure luck that out of all the windows, this one was unlocked.

"He underestimated me," I murmured.

I pushed the glass, giving it a hard yank before it lifted up.

"Oh my God," I cried. This wasn't happening.

I faced the odds and escaped.

I pulled myself up onto the windowsill. I was so shaky that I almost fell. My bump pressed against the wooden wall as I used the rest of my strength. I was halfway out- and then I heard a yell.

"Alana? Are you okay?" I heard a pounding of footsteps.

It was too good to be true.

My heart pounded as I thrust myself, head first, out the window. I fell onto the roof as I heard continuing footsteps. I was running out of time.

I hopped onto the other side of the roof, searching around for some buildings, or some kind of rubber plant or farm. I was ready to give up, but then saw something extremely close-

A small town.

I hung off the roof, then counted to three. I let my hands slowly slide from the gutter. I hit hard- but a kind of hard that I knew would be worth in the end.

"ALANA? OH MY GOD, WHAT!" Jason screamed. He would notice me.

I limped into the direction of the town, where a large forest stood. There was a large road, but I'd be stupid to take it.
So my only choice was to hop helplessly into the woods.


I was bleeding everywhere. I grabbed onto each tree I passed, trying to catch my breath. I looked down at the bloody gauze that surrounded my thigh, and just stared.

Did this really happen to me? Was this my life?

"Alana? Where are you!" Jason boomed from behind. Night was coming as Jason held a flashlight, beaming it in a different direction. But I listened closely to know that he was coming towards me.

I grabbed the quickest tree I could get to, grabbing the lowest branch.

I managed to use the still-chained to my hands shackles as a help, wrapping them around two tree branches. They somehow latched, helping me climb up to the first few branches. I held onto each one tightly as Jason came closer, still screaming my name.

I wrapped the chains around me, hoping they wouldn't make a noise. I covered my hands over my mouth, hoping to slow down my breathing.

Jason passed by the tree. I held in my breath, even holding it until I saw blotches. I uncovered my mouth and sat there for a moment.
The darkness was so peaceful. After all these months, hoping I'd somehow see the outside before I die-

It was now coming true.


Ughh short chapter! I wanted to get something in, since I get stressed even more when not updating.

I hope you all liked it!


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