chapter 4

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Meleka's POV

I watch as the man that was following me got ripped apart I gasped and put my hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. I didn't know or understand what just happen before my eyes but to only know that the man that was about to do something bad to me just got ripped apart in front of my fucking eyes. I couldn't find any words to say, as I was finding time to get up my knees failed me and a loud squeak left my mouth as I close my eyes tight and held my breath ready to feel the impact of me hitting the hard ground but to my surprise two hard muscular arms wrapped around my waist and held me tight before I could fall,I didnt dear to open my eyes for I will be scared to see who or what stop me from hitting the hard ground, so I kept my eyes still tight closed and then I started to breath again and then I heard a soft chuckle it sounded to like that person came from heaven.

I slowly open my eyes to reveal deep green beautiful eyes staring deep into my I then look at his feature short black spikey hair,pale beautiful skin,pink sweet lips that looks soft to the touch and his eyes oh so sparkle in the moon light, he is like a guy a  girl would kill for. "Are you done checking me out?", I snapped back to reality as he spoke his voice sound so smooth and hot, I started feeling heat rising to my cheek as I blush so hard I probably look like a cherry right now.

Then he chuckled again, bringing me to stand up straight when he let go off me and took one step back  I stood there taking in his body features he is soo tall im like 5'2 and he is 6'0 and he wore a block shirt and a skinny jeans and a black converse , I snap out of it and he just stood there with his hands in his pocket and a smirk plastered on his face staring at me .

The tension between us was killing me so I was about to break the silence but he did instead."what's a beautiful girl doing out here in the night on her own?" He said, I just stood there a little while until I answered him "nth,who are you?".

Hi guys I'm completely upset because ppl is reading and not voting for me thanx a lot guys, anyways I will be updating again soon sorry for the  late update but I got a lot of things to do plus the internet is slow me plzz guys

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