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belch huggins.

his real name was reginald, or something along those lines, but everyone called him belch because he was talented at, well, belching. it was gross and saoirse hated anything to do with bodily functions like that, but she liked him nonetheless.

saoirse caught the large bully when none of the other boys were around. she'd been hanging with victor criss outside of the gang for years and knew enough about them to know that they'd never let belch hear the end of it if a girl asked him out.

or maybe it was more the fear of being rejected solely because the others were there.

when saoirse emerged from the school building, she spotted him. belch was leaning against his car, his pride and joy, waiting for the others to get out of class.

saoirse assumed he'd skipped, which he really couldn't afford to do considering he was failing all of his classes- the teachers practically got off on announcing it- and he'd already been held back once before.

he was wearing his usual hat and metal bandtee- today's was anthrax, one of saoirse's personal favorites- which was a bit tight around his chubby frame. he was picking at a hole in his torn jeans with a huge, calloused hand and saoirse wondered just how tall he was. patrick hockstetter was 6'0 and belch was definitely taller than him.

the closer she got to the car, the more her heart pounded as if it were trying to break out of her chest. belch huggins was a vicious, cruel bully that beat up kids for fun. how could she know that he wouldn't do the same to her?

then again, what was life without a little risk?

"hey, huggins!" saoirse called, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

belch looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow. she remembered that girls usually only talked to the other boys, never him.

"yeah?" he sounded tired. his voice was soft and weathered- odd compared to his big outer appearance. "whaddya want?"

"a date," she announced. bad idea.

belch pushed himself off of the car and stalked over to her, backing her straight into a tree. he looked furious, his cheeks red and splotchy and his eyes narrowed.

"this a fuckin' joke?" he hissed, breathing heavily.

saoirse shook her head and looked him straight in the eyes. they were a deep shade of brown and rather pretty.

"nope, not a joke. i want to go out with you," she repeated. she sounded genuine.

this seemed to make him back off. he took a hesitant step away from her and a smirk grew on his chubby face.

"alright. i'll pick ya up at 7." and he walked away. saoirse breathed out a sigh of relief.

she didn't want to know how he was going to get her address.

author's note: lowercase is always intentional for aesthetic purposes. this fic is written solely out of thirst for belch huggins- and the fact that in most fics/imagines/preferences people leave out my boy and i'm upset.

richie and the rest of the toziers will make an appearance next chapter and then the bowers boys will probably make one in the third or fourth chapter. if they seem too nice to her, it's because vic is her best friend and she's sort of friends with the other boys and has been for years.

xoxo daisy

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