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If there was one person who learned something about diligence it was Cheri Wilson, a young intern at the big melancholy Johannesburg hospital. She sat in the main waiting area with her hands covering her face. She had just aided in her first operation as part of her hospital intern training and had lost her first patient. She struggled hard to hold back the tears. To her a doctor was not supposed to cry and show weakness. A doctor had to be tough and heroic and there to help people and save lives. Dr. James Tyler her resident stood in front of her and folded his hand over her shoulder.

"Dr. Wilson."

She looked up. "Oh...Dr. Tyler. I am sorry. I'm just very exhausted."

He leered faintly. "It's okay...You did an awesome job in there. There was nothing we could do to save the patient's life."

She stood up and folded her arms around his waist. "It was just so hardfor me to see a patient pass on. I never thought..."

He looked at her understandingly. "It's not your fault. It was nobody's fault. Now go home and get a good night sleep. You need it."

She sluggishly turned around throwing her gaze to the luminous hospital floor. "Okay."

He smiled lightly. "Good night Dr.Wilson."

"Good night Dr.Tyler."

Finch, Cheri's Maine Coon cat laid on the sofa slumbering like usual. She picked him up and carried him to the bedroom with her. "Oh, Finch, you're such a lazy kitty cat."

Brendan her fiancé was fast asleep. She slowly climbed into bed trying not to wake him. She turned over and tried not to think of her failedoperation. She gave a silent weep.

Brendan turned around and woke to look at her. "Cheri..."


"Are you alright?"


He held her close and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you angel."

"Love you too Brend." She fell asleep safe and sound in his arms. Unlike her Brendan was an IT technician and a computer programmer. Thinking of it, it wasn't almost as upsettingfor him if he couldn't patch up a computer. On the other hand, if you couldn't patch up a human being it was a different story all at once.Brendan was her everything. A Romeo and a total looker concerning his natural and nice-looking façade.

Cheri parked her red BMW close to the entry to the hospital and ran inside. She greeted JoleneWatson, the receptionist. "Morning."

"Morning Dr. Wilson." She smiled.

Cheri made a turn at E.R. Stephanie Sears was the nurse working together with her.

"Dr. Wilson! Good morning, how are you today?"

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm good."

"So anything new today?"

"No, last night was quiet as well. We didn't have anything foremost or so."

Cheri toyed with the stethoscope around her neck. "Well, let me know if there is something."

"I will do so doctor."

Cheri met James outside E.R. in the elevator. He held the door open for her.

"Thank you doctor Tyler."

"Pleasure. So, feeling better today?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

DR. CHERIWhere stories live. Discover now