The Talk

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N/n: Nickname

Italics: Thinking


You walked in your house after leaving the tower. Upon entering you were startled by a certain captain in your kitchen. 

"AH! God Steve what the hell!!?"

You screemed while grabbing your shirt to calm your heart.

"Language N/n" He said calmly. You took a deep breath.

"Sorry, you just scared me, why didn't you call me saying you were coming over?"

You asked, placing your keys on the kitchen counter.

"Oh lord please tell me you didn't forget how to call people " Steve looked away embarrassed.

"I-i didn't forget! I was just too busy to call ahead of time"

You laughed a little and Steve straightened up.

"Anyways I'm here to ask you about something"

You walked over to the fridge and examined the contents inside.


You said while grabbing a apple from the bottom drawer of the fridge.

"I went by the tower earlier today"

You stopped mid bite into the apple.

"Oh, cool" you muffled through the apple.

"I was going to ask Tony about his recent suit idea" Steve continued.

You swallowed the food in your mouth before replying.

"Oh! The layout of his new suit is amazing if I do say so myself"

You mentally pat yourself on the back, remembering your the one who actually wrote the blueprints.

"Yeah but the funny thing is that on my way up the elevator Jarvis told me you were there also even though you had the day off"

Steve gave you a look that you tried but couldnt tell wether you should be worried or not about it.

"Y-yeah I was helping w-with the ummm...suit because Tony needed it" You stuttered.

"Seriously!? Tony needing help with the thing he invented in the first place!?" You thought.

Steve crossed his arms. "Oh really?"

"Y-yeah, he umm, he wanted to know my opinion on a few designs and uhh other stuff "

You half lied...more like completely lied.

Oh god does he know??"

Steve lifted an eyebrow.

"Were the 'designs' in his bedroom?"

"Shit." You paused. "Uhhhh..."

Steve sighed and walked over to you. "Look..."

You shrunk down a little, nervous about what he was gonna say.

"I'm not mad at you N/n" You shot up.

"Your not!?" He shook his head.

"No, but honestly I wish I found out some other way than how I did."

You laughed nervously. "Sorry, I swear I was gonna tell you!"

Steve smiled lightly. "I know. I have no problem with this whole thing with you and Tony because I know he makes you happy."

You blushed. "Yyyeah"

Steve laughed. "And it's about time you got with him, it's annoying having to wait all this time for you to man up"

You playfully punched his shoulder which clearly didn't faze him.

"Oh shut up!" You laughed and hugged him.

He returned the hug.

"Oh and N/n?"

You looked up at him. "Yes?"

"If he ever hurts you, I'm a kill him"

You laughed a little at how much Steve can be an over protective big brother 

"I know Steve"

** Bonus **

Steve sat at the kitchen counter stairing blankly at his phone.

"Oh lord I should call N/n and tell her I'm coming over but...."

He looked at his phone once more.

" I forgot how"

Natasha walked in a t-shirt and shorts. She laughed a little at Steve's confused face.

"What's on your mind fossil?"

Steve looked up then back at his phone.

"Haha, very funny"

Natasha smiled. Then leaned over the counter towards him.

"Forget how to call again?"

Steve blushed. "N-no! I'm just uhhh..... trying to pick a new background for it"

Natasha laughed at Steve's poor lying skills, but decided to play along. She grabbed a pop tart from the cabinet and walked off.

"Alright then, have fun with that"

After making sure she was gone, Steve groaned in frustration.

"I forgot.."

Tony Stark × Reader (Smut/Fluff) Where stories live. Discover now