A message💘

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To anyone who has ever been bullied or received hate here's a message:

Hate and Bullying is one of the most horrible things a person can experience but you should turn negatives into positives and show those lowlifes just how irrelevant they are. Personally i use hate to help me propel further in life and if anyone tells me that i'm incapable of doing something or that i'll never succeed at something i work hard to accomplish that thing and throw it back in the persons face and it's honestly one of the best feelings ever. Happiness is the sweetest revenge because while people are busy hating on you, you're accomplishing things and doing great and at the end of the day they're going to be left with nothing. Don't let anyone's opinions define you and never pretend to be someone else to please others, be you, your own true raw self.

A quick reminder:

You're beautiful and if anyone doesn't see that then they're very stupid- don't ever let anyone make you forget or lose your worth, i love you all❤️

Bullies will never win but kindness and positivity will always win.

Kill em with kindness and get revenge the right way.

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