Welcome To California, Princess.

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I stopped in the middle of the courtyard of US Santa Barbara and took a deep breath. Ahhh. Fresh Air! Today was moving day for all of us 1st years. I slipped my backpack off and unlatched my long board. I grinned crazily. Do you know how long it takes to fly from Jacksonville, Florida to Santa Barbara, California PLUS WAITING FOR CONNECTOR FLIGHTS?!? FOR-FREAKING-EVER. This girl needed blood pumping through her system! Anyways, I yanked my bag back on and skated over to the dormitories. So, apparently, these are co-ed dorms. Girls on the bottom and boys on the top. -INSERT SEXIST JOKE HERE- HUR HUR HUR. I hopped off the board, walked into the commons and scanned the room. I smiled as I saw Katy and Maia and started to make my way over to them. Out of nowhere, some dude crashes into me and the two of us end up in a tangled pile of limbs and torsos. We both stared at each other ,awkward painted over our faces. I hopped up and helped him get back onto his feet. I smiled and said "Hey There! My name is Samantha but you can call me Sammi." "....Um. Hi, My name is Jordan." I nodded and finally noticed his and my friends trotting over. The two other boys introduced themselves as Adam and Mark. "So have you moved in yet?", Jordan Asked. "Nope.", I replied ,popping my 'p'. "Do you at least know what room you're in?" "I was about to go find out but Somebody decided he wanted to know my name",I teased him happily. "I love you too, baby.",He teased back. We laughed together and he pulled me up to the desk. Do You Know That Feeling when you take just one look at somebody and you just fall in love? Yeah... THAT feeling. "Heyyy Jordann!", the blond bimbo behind the desk trilled out."Oh. Hey Heidi.", Jordan muttered out. She giggled and I mentally face palmed.* AHEM * I cleared my throat and she swiveled around then snarled out viciously "What!" 'Fucking Hell' I thought to myself.  "I'd like to know what room I'm in and who's my room mate.", I said, sounding bored. She glared at me and sneered out, "Name." I attempted to keep my tone even and muttered out the last part of my name, "Sam Lamfhemmem." "What?." she barked out. I angrily straightened myself out and snarled back into her face, "My Name Is Samantha Capri Nicole LaFontaine. Daughter of Christine LaFontaine and Granddaughter of Don LaFontaine. NOW WHAT IS MY ROOM NUMBER AND WHO IS MY ROOMMATE." She sat there taken aback by my bluntness and wrote down the information. She feebly handed me the card and I took it from her outstretched hand. I rolled my eyes and walked off, leaving Jordan and Heidi in my dust. I stormed past Mark, Adam, Maia,and Katy then headed out the electronic doors.  

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