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Harry potter hadnt set foot in Hogwarts since before the war had "officially" began. When Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs were forced to obey the orders of Death eaters, and temporary headmaster, Professor Snape. That was also when Slytherins were favoured, and basically ran the school beside the deatheaters.
But now that the war is over, Voldemort is dead, Professor Mcgonagall is Headmistress, and everything has returned back to.. Er.. Normal, he's back, along with his fellow Gryffindors, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley. Few from Ravenclaw, Padma and Pavarti Patill, and Luna Lovegood. And, surprisingly, three Slytherins by the names of Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy.
After he entered the great hall, he immediatly noticed some changes. Instead of four, great long rables with benches, there were now, 10, medium length tables, and most had houses and/or years labeled on them, except for one. As he walked farther in, he saw that that particular table and a number eight on it. He sat sown, with Ron and Hermione sitting across from him. The eighth years all filled in around them, their closest friends near them. The Slytherins sat farthest away from everyone, at the other end, and didn't talk or look at anything. Once the great hall was full, the first years came in, and began the sorting. Each time someone was sorted into Gryffindor, the golden trio would cheer, as well as when someone was sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. When the first person was sorted into Slytherin, the hall went quiet. Then, McGonagall began to clap, and then everyone else. When the last person was sorted, headmistress McGonagall announced that she would like the 8th years stay after, and she will show them to their new dorms, and explain how things would work.


After the last dish was cleared away, everyone went to their dormitories, except those who McGonagall asked to stay nack

"I am pleased to see that everyone who has been invited back is here, welcome! You are here as a privilege, amd although you may be under the same rules and supervision as the first through seventh years are, you have a few things that they do not. For example, every weekend is a now a Hogsmeade weekend, and you do not need written permission from parents as all of you are of age," she stopped to breathe, "you also have some other, added or altered rules, which are posted on the notice board of your dormitory. If you would all follow me, I will show you where that is."
They followed her down a series of staircases, and through one of the dungeons, and a little bit passed the kirchens. She stopped confronT of a rather large, old tapestry. She sounded, "hinkypunks," which was presumably the password, and the tapestry disappeared, and she entered.
Once everyone was in the room, the tapestry returmed, and formed a wall.
"This, is your new common room. As you can see, there are two hallways, each assigned to a gender, amd one staircase between. Up those stairs, there is a library, whateber books tou wamt or need, they will appear. Yes, Ms. Granger, from the restricted section too. I'll let you all get settled in, and tomorrow morning at breakfast, i will hand out your timetables. Boys dormitories are on the left, girls on the right, eight rooms, and each door has two names. You will most likely be housed with someone from a different house. Farewell." she turns, and left the room, but not before pinning something on the notice board.
People hesitantly went to look for their rooms, or explore the common area, and library.
Harry, knowing Ron and Hermione were going to look for their rooms, went to the library, after climing the stairs, he descovered a ladder. Climbing it, he found a smaller version of the astronomy tkwer, complete with star and sky charts, that moved along with the sky, and could display the sky in different places, a telescope, chairs, and other astronomy related things. Seeing a door, he walked towards it and opened it, finding a large balcony, looking out over the Black Lake, and no roof so you could see the slowly darkening sky.

When he returned downstairs, he was quickly bombarded by Hermione, with Ron slowly trailing behind.
"Harry! Where did you run off to? Oh well, not to worry. Have you found your room yet?"
"Sorry, I was checking out the library. Did you know we have our own version of the astronomy tower with a balcony? Cos we do. No, i haven't found my room yet."
Ron spoke becore hermione could, "well, you should mate, because chances are you were placed with a Slytherin, I was placed with Zabini! Hermione with Parkinson.. I cant believe this."
Hermiome rolled her and eyes led harry to the door with his name om it, noticing another name mext to his. He gulped. Looked at Hermione for confirmation, to which she nodded. In glittering gold letters, was the name Draco Malfoy. Slowly opening the door, he sighes in relief, not seeing Malfoy there.
The room, he noticed, was neutrally coloured, except for the belongings that were respectfully Hardy and Malfoys. The left bed was his, the right Malfoys. Two four posters, slightly larger than the ones in Gryffindor, had deep purple, thick, purple, velvet curtains, and a fluffy, cotton duvet in a da2ek grey colour. The pillows and sheets were slightly lighter in grey.
"I found out that the room is kind of like the RoR," (room of requirement) "it gives you what you need and want, and changes anything you ask it to, for example, ask it to changed the duvet black." she urged.
So, closing his eyes, harry wished for the divet to be black, there was a slight woosh in the air, and he opened his eyes to see a black duvet.
As soon as that happened, Malfoy walked in, with Zabini and Parkinson behind them. Ron sent the three Slytherins glares, bid goodbye and goodnight to Harry, and left. Hermione, deciding to follow her boyfriend, walked over to Harry, hugged him, and whispered, good luck. Harry realizing that he was now alone slytherins turned and went to his bed to finish unpacking and setting up his bed. is Harry walked into the bathroom to put his toiletries away he heard the slytherins immediately begin talking and mumbling about something. When he walked back into the room the mumbling immediately stopped Zabini and Parkinson then hurriedly left room, leaving Harry and Malfoy alone. Now he's starting to unpack his things and setting up his books on the bookshelf nearest to his bed. Harry continue to set up his bed in silence then mouth Harry continue to set up his bed in silence then mouth we having finished Harry continue to set up his bed in silence then mouth we having finished before Harry continue to set up his bed in silence. Finishing before Malfoy he went to get ready for bed brushing his teeth and watching his face and changing into his pajamas, laying down in bed and taking his glasses off. Harry couldn't fall asleep to the sound to Malfoy fitting about the room, so he waited. When he was done, Malfoy got ready for bed aswell, and laid down. Using his wand, he turned off the lights. Or, rather turned off the torches. In complete darkness, Malfoy heard Harry say something,
"Goodnignt, Malfoy."
Deciding that he had imagined it, he rolled over and fell asleep.

(A/N yikes okay this is my first ever fanfic and story in general,,, so idk how well this is gonna go... Thanks for reading if you have!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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