SHYAN -beliefs- (part one)

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"So this week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we'll investigate the demon infested Bridge in Texas, also known as the Goatman's bridge because of the peculiar sounds and sightings reported by the civilians around these parts. I'm with - stop laughing - I'm here with Shane and today we - hey! Seriously!"

Ryan tried to recover his camera from his partner but failed because of the noticeable height difference between them.

"Are you fucking serious?" Ryan said sighing.

"Come on man, you're too tense, it's not like we're gonna get attacked by a ghost tonight, right?" was Shane's response.

"I sure as hell hope they'll at least spit in your face."

"Can ghosts even produce saliva?"

"I think so, but it can't materialize because of the lack of energy they possess."

"That actually makes sense."

Ryan took the opportunity and snatched the camera so quickly from Shane's hands that he didn't even flinch at the sudden movement.

"So anyways, there are a lot of theories about how this bridge got its name, one of the most popular being that a group of cultists got together and summoned the demon using a quote 'special pentagram' end quote and since that night people started hearing sounds of hooves behind them as if someone was chasing or running towards them. As I mentioned before, I will do only one demon investigation per season because those guys creep me out so much."


"What Father Thomas said? Not to communicate or interact with spirits in any way?"

"Yeah, I figured mayb-"

"Maybe we should actually follow his advice at least today?"

"Ryan, look, I don't want to alarm you in any way, but this place is really giving me the chills."

"Yeah, it's cold, it's the middle of Febuary."

"Oh God you and your Febuary. Can't you really say it how everyone else does? It's F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y, you're always forgetting the R."

"I would have hired a tutor if that really bothered me."

Shane let out a quiet chuckle.

"Okay so we are ready to dive down into the woods, find the bridge and then settle down for a night in the nearest abandoned house which happened to be right at the end of the left side of the bridge." Ryan added.

"Dude, what's that on your pants? The green thing?"

"Oh, it's a water gun, holy water gun. At first I thought it would look kinda stupid but now I'm relieved knowing that I have it."

Shane looked at the camera guy like that dude from the office.

"Okay, let's go."

That guy wasn't going to enter the forest with them, so the boys got additional camera equipment to film their episode.
After being left alone, they began walking into the woods then turned on all of their recorders, Ryan's anti-demon gun at ready and Shane was carrying the other stuff.

"Hey, Ryan, what's up with this salt?" Shane noticed a big block of salt in Ryan's backpack.

"It repells spirits."


"Go ahead."

"How are we going to catch a demon if we got that many supernatural-being-killer things?"

"That's a good question."

Ryan stopped a bit and after a moment threw all of his precious possessions away, except the camera Shane was playing with at the beginning  and the spirit box. Shane shrugged and kept on walking followed by Ryan.
After some moments of silence Shane suddenly turned to Ryan and said:

"Let's go the other way."


"Just let's go."

"Come on man, what did you see?" Ryan tried to push Shane.

"Ryan, please, don't look."

"What's wrong, dude? I want to see-"

Shane didn't try a lot to convince his friend not to look.

"Ew ew ew ew ew EW GROSS!" Ryan reacted.

"I told you."

It was a decomposing cat, half of it's body missing and the head was also cut symmetrically in half. The sight sent shivers down the boys' spine.

"Okay, I... Should have... Oh God...  Why would anyone do that..."

"Remember when we were driving you said there are a lot of cultists in these parts?"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect to actually see a post-ritual dead animal here!"


"What was that?!"

Both boys heard a voice supposedly coming from the side of the bridge.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU?" Shane stepped in front of Ryan.

"QUIET!" Ryan yelled then started screaming in panic.

Shane was both stressed out because there might be someone watching them but also really amused by Ryan's actions.

"Calm down, it's probably not-"

Then a creepy voice making untelligable noises was heard.
Ryan's pupils were so contracted and the adrenaline in his body so high that he started running almost at the speed of light in the deep dark woods. An act that couldn't have been understood by Shane.

"RYAN, COME BACK! STOP RIGHT THERE!" Shane stepped on the dead cat and got some gross intestines and bad-smelling blood on his shoes but that didn't stop him from running after his friend.
Shane was so scared for Ryan he even threw away the cameras leaving only a flashlight he used to see.

He kept running.
His hair was full of spider webs and leafs and his vision was blurred but the thought of Ryan scared and alone in the woods couldn't escape his mind.
After 30 minutes of this he sat down to breathe a little and drank a bit of water.
What if he's never going to find him?
What if cultists got him?
Desperate what ifs invaded his mind and there seemed to be no way of finding Ryan, but after some time he heard a voice from the distance.

"SHane! I'm hERE-"
It was a muffled scream


Ryan screamed as if someone cut him. "NOOO! STOP! P-PLEASE!" He yelled in despair. Shane looked puzzled. Was Ryan talking to him? Or perhaps...

Then suddenly his vision blurred as he felt a rushing pain similar to a headache but somehow still very different. It felt like someone his head with a baseball bat.

It's dark and Shane's not conscious.

Then silence.

Holy shit guys
I've had this in my drafts for the longest time

Part two will be in approximately a month or tomorrow, depends on my mood.


Word cunt: 1067 (lmao weakass shit)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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