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"Don't play his games"

After exchanging numbers with Betty you start to walk,but you hear a chuckle around the corner,you turn to find

After exchanging numbers with Betty you start to walk,but you hear a chuckle around the corner,you turn to find

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Daniel jumped off the rail saying "so which of Betty's games do you wanna play?"as he winks at you with a develish smile.
You roll your eyes at him and walk away."Where ya going y/n? Don't you jus wanna have fun for a little?"
He grabs your hand and spins you around."What about Emory?" You said while wishing you never said those words.

"We're having a break, we're not together right now"he said while looking down then looking back at you with a smile.
"Oh I'm sorry" you apologized.
You gave Daniel a side huge but he let out both of his arms and rapped them around you making it a full hug.
"Y/n I wanna take you somewhere before we go home,it's not that far from here"

You and Daniel start walking, you notice some guys whisper and wave to you,you try to wave back but then Daniel put is hand around you pulling you in.

"Is he jealous"

The thought of him being jealous about you made you feel happy inside.

You finally got to a little lake it was fixed up with a little fountain.
You and Daniel sat side by side.
"You know"he said while looking at your eyes "I wanted to bring you here because this place is special to me,it's where I think"

He scooted closer to the water and played with it swishing back and forth, you here as the water as it plays a soothing little song, you felt your eyes get heavy as you felt like you were falling asleep.You look at Daniel untill you both made eye contact,he smiled and you giggled.He looked back down,then you has an idea

"Oh Daniel stay like that for a second!"
You said while taking out your camera.

"Oh Daniel stay like that for a second!"You said while taking out your camera

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"What was that for?"Daniel quickly looked up with a smile.

"Just wanted to take a picture" you said "it's beautiful"

You suddenly blush when you heard yourself say that. Daniel looks at you with a big smile.He got up and walked over to you as you stood up.

"Daniel?'' you whisper as he slowly grabs your waist."Y/n the most beautiful thing out here is you"he said while giving you a kiss on your cheek.

He begins to look at your lips,so you follow his lead and look at his.

His grasp around your waist gets tighter as he pulls you in.
You inch so close you can make out the details in his eyes.He slowly keeps pulling you in untill--

*Looney Tunes theme song comes on*

You blush to look down noticing it was your phone,you check what it's says and it was Lynn.

Daniel let's you out of his grasp getting his skateboard and waiting for you.


"Hi y/n how's it going back in Washington?! Have you met any lovers"

You turn to Daniel who is packing up his bookbag.

"Mabye just one".

"Awwww ok girly I'm gonna have to let you go cuz we have a big exam tomorrow and I have to study byeee lots of love"


"That was a quick call" you thought.

"You ready to go?"said Daniel.
You nodded your head.

You and Daniel start walking home and you notice as Daniels phone is loosely hanging out of his backpack.

You take it.

You went to his messages and notice girls from school that he has been texting.

"Is he really what Betty says"

"Hey do you wanna--" Daniel begins to say untill he notices his phone in your hand.

He snatches it from you which his face turning bright pink.

You look at him in disguised and walk away.

You can hear Daniels voice fainting as he said "y/n come back here".

You arrive home running into your room looking out one window.

You see Daniel walking to his house so you hid yourself.

You notice Daniel talking to himself in anger as the front door closes with a SLAM.

You begin to look at the other window where you can see Daniels room.

Daniel comes in the room throwing his book bag and lying on his bed.

Daniels point of view:

I don't know what I was doing.
Me and Emory are on break right now and y/n mad at me. Wish she can see who I really am then just a jerk.

She's more than just any girl.Shes my girl.But she won't see that.And it hurts

You turn to go for a smoke,you haven't done it in a while because you hoped you could stop

A few minutes later you felt calm and you felt more relaxed then before.

"Mabye this was in my head"you thought to yourself with a smile.

Your point of view:

I don't know what he's making me feel.

I love him.

I really hate him.

"Mabye I'll just try to meet new people"you thought.

You hear a faint guitar,you notice who it was


You can hear his singing voice for the first time and notice how he's talented.

"Mabye Daniel needs to find out who he really is"

Skater Boy•Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now