"GENE!" I yell out but as soon as I do I pass out.

  Time skieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

"W-where am I?" I ask and look around. "Oh, your awake" I hear someone say but it's too dark to see who.  "Hmm, I thought you'll remember me, after all, we are family." The voice adds on. All of a sudden the lights turn on.  "Oh, I'm in the throne room, good." I mumble "Madison what were you doing in the dark and why is Hope lying on the floor?"Father asks

. "AW COME ON DAD I WAS TRYING TO MAKE MY PRESENTS COOL FOR HOPE!" Madison says. "MADISON YOUR BACK!" I yell out. I jump up and give her a hug. She didn't hug back. "There's no time to hug. Follow me!" She says We run out of the throne room and into the dungeon. "Why are we- " I say but then I remember Gene "Gene," I say.  As Madison type's in the passcode which is  1 2 3 4 yes I know very smart. Anyway, when we walked in I saw Gene in a cell and I ran up to him immediately. "Gene w-what happened?" I say. "H-Hope you're here wait, are you here to make me feel like an idiot again? I knew it! YOU ARE, GET AWAY!" Gene yelled at me. "W-what?!" I say on the verge of crying. "Gene... she doesn't know. It's alright" Madison says calmly. "Really?" Gene replies. "Say what?" I ask " I'm so confused" "Hope I-" Gene begins to say "He's gonna die," Madison says. "WHAT! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I yell.  "Hope don't worry *sniffle* just think of me going to a better place in about 2 days," Gene says as he holds my cheek

time skip 2 days

"Hope come on were leaving" Madison calls out for me. "Coming!" I yell back. As we walk to chariot I can't help thinking was the date for real or was it for laugh. I mean he did start to cry when I rejected him. But I didn't really say no I just asked if he was joking. I shake my head. I get on the chariot and we head to the plaza. "Kill him" "He's getting what he deserves" and "Rot in the Nether" is what I hear from these monsters I call my people. As we come to a stop I think of something.  Dad, Madison and I sit in the front row in the middle. I see an empty guillotine and think. *shivers* Just thinking makes me shiver. I see everyone crowding around us. "Ladies and Gentleman here will serve the end for the man who tried to hurt Lady Hope. Gene (whatever the last name is). If it wasn't for his brother Dante telling us his evil plan, only Irene knows what could have happened." As Mr. Baker says that Gene comes out with his hands tied with a rope. He's placed in the guillotine. After they placed him in there they put the board down and lock it. "It's now or never," I thought. "Does anyone have any words for this disgrace?" Mr. Baker says. I see Dante raise his hand. "I do," he says "Gene... I'm so s-sorry. I should have been b-better" Dante starts crying even more. "Does anyone else have anything to say?" Mr. Baker asks the crowd. *sigh* "I do," I say

Loving Is A Rollercoaster Gene x Reader McdWhere stories live. Discover now