Chapter 4 - Longing for a Jaffa

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*Simon's POV*


So many are dripping from my cheeks. My arms are wrapped tightly around Hannah and Lewis. Why? Because we're leaving our home thats why...we're leaving for good...

These thougts make me cry harder, hold the two tighter and shake with fear...this isnt a game.

No quit button

Not even a pause game button

This is real life on hard difficulty, it's a bitch

We need to deal with it, we need to deal with it now too.

I let go of the two and take a few steps back to clear my head and breathe.

"Lewis, Hannah? Why dont we have a Jaffa?...Ay? For old times sake. As a final farewell. A proper send off... or we could stay? Camp here? Live here!..... I dont wanna go! THIS IS OUR HOME! WE HAVE TO STAY, WE CANT GO!!! WE CANT!!! LEWIS PLEASE!!!" I started off sad but now I was feeling pain and fury, pouring it into my words. I dont want to leave...they dont either...I can feel it...I see it in their eyes that they're heads say "go" but they're hearts say "stay, this is your home, the place you belong"

"Simon, calm down...please" Lewis chokes out in a soft whisper. Hannah rubs her hand up and down his back to sooth his breaking heart.

"Please Lewis...we cant cant. Your heart wont allow it. Know why? Because this is our place, our lifes work, our baby and our home. We cant give up on it just because the world goes to shit. Please Lewis, not even just a few days?" I ask sorrowfully.

Meanwhile Hannah stares at me and lets tears fall from her eyes. Lewis seems to be deep in thought, arguing with himself when suddenly Hannah nods her head and stops crying looking at me with a smile tugging at her lips. Okay im confused but im gonna roll with it.

"Lewis honey, Simon's right. We cant leave, this is where we home, our home...our sanctuary." She gives Lewis a peck on the cheek and walks over to me then grabs my hand. Hannah looks up at me and smiles brightly then turns her head back to Lewis who looks torn. Torn between our safety and our life's work and meaning. Turns out he wasnt quite ready to let that go. Hannah reached out a hand for him and he hesitated then placed his large hand into her small one. Lacing their fingers together I look at them smiling at each other, a look of love and happiness...a tear rolls down my cheek, if Lewis didnt take Hannah's hand there would be no more of they're love. It always gives me hope for life to get better when things get worse. The two turn to look at me and wrap themselves around me giving me warmth and protection.

"Never leave each other, promise me that" I ask as Lewis nods and Hannah simply states whilst hugging me tighter

"Never in a thousand years" She sighs in content and smiles into my chest and Lewis lets go of us and opens one of the bags and sits down.

Hannah and I look at him quizzicaly as we sit down beside him forming a small circle. Lewis pulls out a blue cardboard box with orange tints on it. I look at him and smirk at his cheesy move whilst Hannah closes her eyes and chuckles lightly.

"Jaffa Cake anyone?"

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