Where it Starts

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I was tied up to a bed as someone walked in and pet my cheek.
"What do you want!" I screamed at them. I was only 12 and I had to go through hell. The man just chuckled. I knew he was the one who took my first. How dare he.
"Its okay sweetheart." He said. I bet my parents didn't even care and if they did it was only to harm me more. I was there in that bed for three days and no one found or cared enough to find me. The guy had walked out of the room. I screamed for help knowing he left the house. I screamed for help over and over, until my voice was hoarse. I tries one more time, and after a while someone knocked on the door and asked if I was all right.
"HELP, OH GOD PLEASE!" I screamed. The knocking on the door was harder and louder. A man finally broke down the door. He had brown hair with red bangs. It was too dark to see his eyes. He started searching for me.
"Where are you!" He yelled panicked.
"Over here!" I yelled sobbing. I was touched and violated in places, and starved for three days straight, I didn't get any sleep and I was so happy someone found me. He came into the room, turned on the light and covered his mouth when he saw me tied to the bed. He blushed. I may only be 12 but I'm a dd cup so I was very developed. He looked like he was in his teens not too much older then me.
"Help, please." I pleaded. He came over to me and undid the ropes there were red marks were my circulation had stopped. I tried to walk over to him but fell down, he caught me before I hit the hit the ground. He picked me up bridle style. And started asking questions while walking out of the room.
"Are you okay? How long have you been there? Have you eaten? Have you slept?"
"No I'm not fine. I've been here for three days. No I haven't eaten nor have I slept." I answered so greatful he saved me.
"What's your name, I'm Mark Fischboch."
"Hello Mark I'm Y/n Y/l." I replied groggy as I fell asleep in his arm's.
I shot up in a bed that I did not recognize, wearing a shirt I did not see as mine. Seeming as I was 12. I got up and ran down the stairs about to head out the door, someone grabbed my wrist. I screamed for them to let me go. My long h/c hair falling down in front of me. He pulled me into his chest as he held me knowing it was because something happened to me just yesterday. I sobbed into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." I whispered over and over to him.
"Don't be sorry, you've been though so much." He whispered in my ear as he held me tight.

Mark's POV
I felt so bad, she was only a teen and she didn't deserve that kind of treatment. Last night when I was putting one of my shirts on her I saw fresh cuts on her back. But they weren't caused by her. After I held her a little while and she seemed to calm down. I asked her about them.
"Hey, Y/n?" She flinched at her name being called. "Where did those cuts on your back come from?" She seemed hesitant to answer but continued.
"M-my parents." What her parents abuse her that's not right. I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away.
"Your parents abuse you!" I asked/shouted looking her in her amazing e/c. "What about these?" I grab her wrist and showed her the cuts on her wrists. She looked down ashamed.
"Your gonna make fun of me, too." She said pulling her arms away. I hugged her tighter because I know she's been cutting.
"Please don't cut anymore. What would this world do without you?"
"This world seems to hate me?" She yelled.
"I'm so sorry you had to do this so young, but I don't mind if you come live with me." I told her her eyes widened in shock. "Who old are you anyway?"
"I'm *sigh* 12." She said tears welling up in her eyes. My eyes widened, holy crap do I feel bad for this girl.
"When can I move in?" she asked.
"Tomorrow. Let's go grab your stuff." She visibly stiffened.
"Its okay, I'll be there with you." I said. That seemingly calmed her down.
I made food and she ate like no tomorrow. She was beautiful, sitting there in my shirt just having her there made me happy I visited Dan, because she was just next door.

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