The Beginning

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I woke up. "6am, seriously?!" School isn't my number one priority in life. I just wanna get through it and get on with my dreams. "Oh I bet Drake is probably already up and going by now".
Drake is my best friend. I like him more than that and I think he likes me too. But for now I'm good with being just friends. It's not like I wanna rip off his shirt or kiss him or anything. Anyway, moving on.
"Ayie hurry up and get ready. We need to leave for school soon"
Ugh. I knew that voice. That voice was all too familiar to me, literally. It was my simply sweet and yet so immature 6th grade sister, Sharyn. "Sharyn I thought I told you never to call me Ayie. That name is just weird."
"Oh it's not that weird. There's a boy at school who's name is Freggard, and another kid whose name is Frisca and...."
"Okay Sharyn! I get your point. Ugh. Anyway, school's not even for 2 hours yet there's no need to be in such a hurry!"
"Yeah but I have to be ready quick cause I have to look good for you know who."
Oh she was talking about her "boyfriend" named Gregg. Seriously? Who spells Gregg with two gs? My friends tease me cause my sister, who is 5 years younger than me, has a boyfriend and I don't. But eh, it doesn't bother me. Plus I don't like puppy love. I prefer to have a meaningful and long-lasting relationship. Oh what the heck! Who am I kidding. That's just a pipe dream. That's not how the real world works. Girls my age treat boyfriends like canned food. You can eat it for a while, then when you're satisfied or the can of food expires (loses its touch), you toss it away and go to the store to get another one.
"Hey Sharyn where's my stupid curling iron?"
"I don't know where it is. It's wherever the heck you put it."
I scrimmage through my basket of bathroom items and after minutes of searching find it. I have shoulder length brownish/blondish hair. It's kinda curly kinda not lol. It's hard to explain.

So I curl my hair and pack my lunch and head off to school. Before I leave I say goodbye to Sharyn.
"Bye Sharyn. Have a good day at school."
"Yeah same to you Ayie. Tell Drake hi for me."
I blush as I walk out the door.

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