Chapter eight

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===》 Karkat stare at Dave's eyes

You stare into Dave's eyes and gasp. They are cherry red. Dave quickly closes his eyes and stands, knocking you back roughly.

"Give me my Shades." He says in a low, angry voice.

"Dave I'm-"

"Now Karkat!" He yells this time and thrusts out his hand towards you. You place the glasses in his hand. Dave places them back on his face then walks into his room, slamming the door a little.

You cannot believe that is what cool guy Dave Strider has been hiding. You look down at your hands and smile a little. It is kind of like your blood thing... You stand and walk over to Dave's door.

"Dave..."You say in the nicest tone you can muster.

"Yeah, come in." He says.

You walk in and he is sitting on his bed with his face in his hands. You walk over and sit by him.

"I'm sorry I did that Dave...Everyone has secrets, even me." You say.

Dave looks up at you and smiles.

"Even the best leader has a secret?" He chuckles.

You look away and nod.

"Well...what's yours?" He asks.

"Um..Nothing. But hey I don't think your eyes are that bad. Are red eyes not normal for humans?" You ask.

"Heh, Not really. It kind of makes me a freak." He says softly.

"I know how you feel." You say without thinking.

You turn and look at him.

"Can...I see them again?" You ask.

Dave frowns a little.

"Why would you want to?" He asks.

"Because I fucking want to bulgemuncher." You growl.

Dave laughs. He slowly lifts his hands and removes his shades. He keeps his eyes closed though. You places a hand on his cheek and he opens his eyes and sighs. You let a smile appear on your face.

"I-Like them." You say.

"Of course you would." He scoffs.

You roll your eyes and let go of his face.

"Am I the only one who has ever seen them?" You ask.

"Yeah, well except for my brother." He shrugs.

"Is his red too?" You scoot closer to him.

"Nah, his is golden which is more acceptible then red." Dave says.

You nod then lean into him, putting your head on his shoulder.This is weird for you but you sit there anyway. Dave looks down at you and smirks.

"I'm alright...really." He chuckles.

"Good because I am so fucking-" You stand but Dave pulls you back down and kisses you. He pushes you so he is now hovering above you as you stare up at him.

"It is rude to interupt people." You grumble.

Dave laughs and leans down so his nose is touching yours. You roll your eyes and place your lips on his. You pull him down and wrap your legs around his waist. This ought to shut him up. You like Dave a whole lot more this way. Quite and calm.

Dave tangles his hands in your hair, brushing your horns ever so slightly and sending shivers down your spine.

"You okay?" He asked softly.

"Uh..yeah." You mutter.

Dave gazes into your eyes. You have never seen such a caring look before. Suddently you feel him take hold of one of your horns and stroke.

"Ah Dave what are you doing?" A moan escapes your throat.

"I heard trolls like this." He chuckles.

You cross your legs and bite your bottom lip.

"The horns are a no. You hear me strider?! No-ah" You moan loudly and arch your back as he picks up speed. You purr and close your eyes. This is humiliating!

"Oh hush I know you like it." Dave whispers in your ear.

You can feel your bulge coming out and you squeeze your legs tighter. You can not believe you are getting turned on by this! You are a disgrace.

"Strider-uh stop."You moan.

Dave chuckles and stops.

"Sorry." He kisses your nose.

You hear a door shut then a voice almost matching Dave's say , "Yo Dave mama is home."

"Mama?" You ask as Dave quickly gets off the bed.

"Shit it's only like Three P.M. what is he doing home?" Dave mumbles, walks over to the door and looks out.

You peer down at your lap then blush. Uh oh You're still wearing Strider's shirt. You had completely forgotten you were wearing it. Shit.

You look around the room and locate your pants laying on the floor all folded like you left them. You quickly jump off the bed and put them on. You pull off Dave's shirt and replace it with your black sweater.

Dave has disapeared into the living. Great...Why have you stayed so long anyway? You could have told Dave to take you home at any time today, yet here you are.

Could you acturally like hanging out with Dave? Being this close to him?

You shake your head and hit yourself upside the head.

NO! You don't love DAVE STRIDER. You DO NOT love STRIDER!

Dave hurries back into the room, smiles, then makes his way to stand in front of you.

His eyes gaze into yours and you bite your lip.

"I see you found your clothes. Bro is making some tocos for lunch. I hope that's alright." Dave leans down and plants a kiss on your forhead.

"I love you Karkat." He says with a wink then leaves the room again.

You stand there, mouth agape.





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