Fight over a cheater

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Fight over a cheater
"Heyyy, here's the birthday boy," I say as I approach my mate, "happy birthday Josh man". We do our childhood secret handshake and hug. "Aw cheers James, good to have you here man. Been a while."

We make small talk for about half an hour before I start to get thirsty. "I'm gonna go grab a drink bro." I start to walk off the I turned and asked if Josh wanted on.

"Nah I'm good man. But ai" he called out because I'd started to walk out, I stopped and turned around again, " if you see girlfriend let her know I'm up here... she's been gone a while." I nodded, "yea yea sweet."

I walked down the stairs from the flat roof to the first floor of Josh's 2 story house, where the kitchen is. I grabbed a Coopers-original pale ale and proceeded to walk but up to the roof.

I got to the second floor when I walked pass a couple making out beside the staircase. I thought nothing of it until the chick tilted her head back, even in the dim light and my half drunken state I could still tell who she was.

"Maddie is that you?" I ask completely astonished. She opens her eyes and shoves their guy away from her, making him remove his lips from her neck. Maddie's lips are red and swollen from hissing and she has red marks on her neck where the guy had been suckling.

"James,"she starts but i snapped out of my astonishment and cut her off defending my mate, "WHAT THE HELL! Your boyfriend is looking for you and your off kissing another guy!" Maddie looks like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"It's not what you think," she whines. I'm raging now. What gave her the right to betray my best bro like this. "At his own party!" I spit back at her in disgust. "No, you don't understand," Maddie tried to reason but I cut her off, my temper beyond control, "THERE'S NOTHING TO UNDERSTAND!" Turning my back I chuck over my shoulder as I head towards the stairs that lead to the rooftop, "I'm gonna go tell him."

"No James, you can't." She pleaded coming after me, "James...wait...stop...JAMES!" She grabbed my hand and I stopped. At this stage I've had enough, I turn abruptly around to face her, just a few stairs higher from where she was behind me. "WHAT!"

She moves to stand between me and the door leading out to their roof. Her pleading look and whining voice was gone replaced by an arrogant, stuck-up one. "Look," she starts, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder and raising her right eyebrow, "Who do you think he's going to believe? His best friend, who is a known alcoholic? Or his trusty, loyal girlfriend of two years?"

"Man, move out the way." I push past her, as soon as I was out the door I spotted Josh, sitting on the bench chatting to a guy standing next to him, I headed straight for him. "Hey, yo Josh," I call out getting his attention straight away. "Yeah, what up?" It was clear that he could tell I was pissed off. It's gonna break his heart to know what I'm about to tell you mate, but it's for the better. I mentally tell him.

"Man your girl has filled your head with a bunch of lies," I started to explain, josh only replied with "what?" So I continued, "I wonder why, but I just saw her kissing another guy." Josh looks at the bottle in my hand an relaxes and laughs, "hahah, James it's not the time to mess around," then he gestured to my bottle before continuing, "I know you've had a couple drinks but maybe it's time you settled down."

Why doesn't he believe me?!?!?

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I snap, amazed that he didn't believe me, " I've ALWAYS done it right by you. I know we've had a fight or two but NEVER would I lie to you. I'm not staying silent dude, I've had a couple drinks but I refuse to try and hide the truth." Josh's expression hardened, his hands clenched at his side. " dude you need to settle down and really a think, cause my baby girl was only gonna a second for a drink. Matter fact here she comes now" he waves his hand towards the door as Maddie walked through it and over to him perching herself on his lap, giving him a kiss, "I love you little Boo. See I told James you're seeing things. Your mind is playing tricks on you."

How could he just say that to me.
I've never lied to him.

"I'd rather DIE today than lie to one of my mates cause honesty to me is like the greatest obligation," I try to make him see that I'm telling him the truth but it doesn't work. Josh stands up and gets in my face, " see now I'm getting pissed off. I'm trying to find some patients. So quick approaching me with all these lying allegations!"

"Man I'm sick of this. I really can't believe you!" And I couldn't... my best mate was siding with a girl over years of loyal friendship.I nodded my head towards Maddie, "is that the type of girl that you really wanna be with? A cheating girl who'll rip your heart to pieces! You're living in denial like the river up in Egypt!" With that I pushed him pack from me.

" Jesus. I swear it's like your mad in the head. You're meant to have my back but you're gonna stab it instead," Josh accused me again, "You'd probably laugh at me dead. What ever happened to friends? I mean the ones that pick you up to make you happy again!"

I placed my hands firmly on his shoulders, making him look me in the eye. "When you find out the truth that shuts you in the dark, I'll be picking up the pieces after she shatters your heart!" Josh pushes me away from him as he hisses out, "Man I've given you my all just for this vendetta! How dare you accuse my Boo of cheering on me." Shocked at what he was saying I stepped back.

Is this really the end of our friendship?

Gathering myself up again I simply stated, "As a friends man I'm so disappointed. I'm voiceless, this friendship is becoming pointless. She's poison!" Josh just shook his head as Maddie tucked herself under his arm, "Man your like my best bud, it's sad to see us arguing. But if you want to walk away I'll let you gladly!" He pointed to the door

And with that I realised I'd lost my best mate to a cheating selfish bitch. Unable to make him see the light, and having him thing I was lying I gladly walked out the door and left.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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