At home

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Levi's pov:
Soon as the bell went signalling the end of the day I went to find my Eren so I can ask for his phone number that way I can always check up on him to make sure he's ok. I found him standing by the school gate waiting for his friends I forced myself to keep calm and walked up to him saying in a cool collected voice "hey Eren" he said hi back and asked if I needed anything so I assumed it was safe to just be blunt to the point "um yeah can I have your phone number so we can chat and that" he smiled brightly at me before saying a bit to eagerly not that I mind "yeah of course pass me your phone and I'll give you mine so we can put our numbers in" I simply nod handing him my phone as he handed me his I put my phone number in and ran off saying goodbye as I tried my hardest for not to let anyone see the little smile that was growing on my face. Soon as I got round the corner Of the schools gate I jumped over the school wall and ran back to where Eren was. I am now hiding behind a tree so I can keep an eye on my love to make sure he leaves safely maybe I could follow him home it's not stalking or anything creepy like that I just want to make sure my Eren gets home safe.

Eren's pov:
I looked down at my phone smiling to have been able to make a new friend and get there phone number too. Then before I knew Mikasa came storming out of school yelling "EREN!" I looked at her scared of her wrath before saying "y-yeah what's wrong?" She gave an 'are you for real' look before yelling out in a fit "ARE YOU SERIOUS? HOW COULD YOU LET LEVI JUST TOUCH ALL OVER YOU LIKE THAT?!"I sighed about to try and calm her down before we heard a voice giggling behind me so I turned curious to the source of the noise I was surprised by who I saw standing there a smiling girl with a brown loose ponytail on her left shoulder with golden eyes and rosey cheeks wearing a green top with a long brown skirt and a white apron I smiled and ran over to her giving the lady a hug yelling "MOM! YOUR HERE!" My mom's name is Carla just to let you all know she giggled before saying "well I came to see you but Then I heard Mikasa yelling at you. What was she yelling about" my eyes instantly widened looking for an escape route since I know she heard Mikasa screaming and heard what she said but she doesn't know Mikasa was just overreacting again and made it sound really bad. Before I knew it I was walking home with my mom and Mikasa where I was surly going to be grounded and trapped in there for the rest of my life if I didn't explain properly what had happened.

We soon arrived at my front door and went inside that led straight to the living room which had a white sofa with a oak plank floor and cream painted walls with the sofa facing the flatscreen tv that hung on the wall above a glass wooden table there was a window next to the door with green curtains on the opposite wall was the entry to the kitchen we sat on the sofa me on the opposite end to Mikasa and my mom standing in front of us with anger all over her face her death glare turned to me and she started yelling not caring about complaints from the neighbours "WHAT WAS THIS ABOUT LETTING SOMEONE HAVE THEIR WAY WITH YOU EREN JEAGER?!?!" I mentally faced palm myself while Mikasa sat over their with smug written all over her face I finally stutter out "m-mom I c-can explain" she softened her gaze before nodding for me to continue so I started to explain "I made a new friend called Levi today and he happens to be Mikasa's cousin and I invited him to eat lunch with us today and Mikasa kept glaring at him making him uncomfortable so he asked if he can hug me for comfort so I said yes cause I understood how he must of felt plus it was only a hug" I looked at the ground a blushing mess hoping I gave her an awnser to satisfy her anger she then started to break into hysterics wiping a tear a way stuttering while holding her stomach "o-oh that a-all it w-was talk a-about overreacting Mikasa s-sorry Eren" my mom kept on laughing for a few minutes before saying she had to leave for her night time job and left Mikasa stayed with me to apologise about being too overprotective again I told her it was ok we were now in my room.

Mikasa was explaining why she freaked out "I was afraid of losing you cause you just met him but yet your already more comfortable with him then when you first met me it took you weeks to feel comfortable with enough just to hug me" I look at Mikasa in shock of her awnser and then softened my gaze and pulled her into a hug as she started crying lightly into my chest I smiled while saying "your not going to lose me were best friends and to why I feel comfortable with him I don't really know his presence is just warm and soothing to me for some reason and something in my mind is just telling me to help him" she shifts a bit in my embrace before laying her head on my chest and saying in a sad tone "so do I make you uncomfortable then?" I started giggling a bit before awnsering her "no I wouldn't be hugging you the way I am now if that was the case sorry to make it sound like that. I just wanted to honest with you" she smiles saying "I'm glad you wanted to be honest with me in return I'll stop worrying about little things like that too much" I patted her head smiling feeling happy to see I was able to cheer up my close childhood friend. Little do I know that there was a now angry raven head watching the whole time. Mikasa then gasped saying "are you in love with Levi?" Blush took over my whole face with me stuttering out "w-what's m-making you say that?" She turned to me with a serious expression before saying "because your gay and the way you said those things about Levi make you look like your in love with him" I let out a nervous giggle before thinking 'talk about exposing my ass' and yes I'm gay so I nervously laughed out "just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm in love with him straight away" Mikasa let out a sigh of relief so I decided to tease her a little "although... he is the cutest thing he sure puts you to shame in the adorableness category" Mikasa gave me a mixture of a shocked and nervous face before catching on to what I was doing mocking how Levi acts and terribly (he's way cuter than what she's given him credit for) she was sitting there pouting and staring at me with a scowl on her lips saying "am I cuter than him now" I broke into hysterics before saying "aw... I'm sorry but terribly acting like him doesn't make you as cute as him better luck next time" we both sat there laughing for a couple minutes before she got a text from her mum telling her to leave for home she stalled herself at the door by asking me continually if I would be ok I nodded giving her a smile after she left I ran to my room and collapsed on my bed enjoying the peace and quite that was quickly disturbed by the buzzing of my phone letting me know I had a new message.

Levi's pov:
I sat at home on my bed thinking I'm going to kill her who cares if she's family how dare she touch what's mine! And what's more she's clearly crushing on him! I left after seeing them hugging and Eren acting nice to her saying she won't lose him I couldn't bare to see Eren doing that with anyone but me! Wait for fucks sake I can't kill her because although I hate to admit it but she's too close to Eren meaning I'm going have to speed things up by getting as close to my sweet Eren as possible then I can take care of the 'problem' I started laughing in hysterics of insanity as I stared down at the contact on my phone about to press send for the message I have been typing while I work up a plan in my head.

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