Another Part of Me

445 13 21

I'm listening to MJ right now so I wont be bored.

'BEEP, BEEP,BEEP' My annoying alarm clock blares it's stupid tone. That sound forces me to get up and turn it off. I go into the bathroom connected to my room. I get the shower and wash my hair and wash myself with 'Pretty As A Peach' from bath and body works. It smells so good I have the perfume to go with it.

I get out and dry my hair and do all that and pick out my clothes. I should have done this the night before but I was so tired from hanging out with Michael. I throw on and my clothes and fix my hair until I look presentable.

 I throw on and my clothes and fix my hair until I look presentable

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(Clothes not the girl)

I go downstairs and say goodbye to my mom and my brother. I get out the door and start walking down the street to my school. I feel a presence behind me but think nothing of it. I feel someone did on my side and I yelp. It tickled so I started and laughing and I look behind me. It was Michael. Why would he do that?

"Michael why did you do that you could have approached me properly" I whisper shout.

"Sorry" Michael apologizes playfully. He starts laughing at my reaction. He has a beautiful smile. His teeth are so straight and his face when he's laughing is so cute. What am I saying. Snap out of it Eva.

"Stop laughing it's not even funny," I say scolding him playfully.

He stops laughing and we walk to school in silence. The silence is broken by him humming. He starts to sing under his breath. I have never heard something so beautiful in my life. It was so majestic. I have never heard this song.

'Every night she walks right in my dreams since I met her from the start

'I'm so proud I am the only one who is special in her heart, the girl is mine'

'The girl is mine , The doggone girl is mine, I know she's mine'

'Because the doggone girl is mine'

He was so good at singing I had to say something about it. I couldn't just let it be. 

"Michael, your good at singing" I yelp.

"What!? You heard me singing!" He panics.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone. But you should tells someone. Am I the only one who knows about this?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes you are the only one who knows. And NO I'm not telling anyone about this." He says.

"Fine "I say ending it. We arrive at school and I see Candie. Michael and I go up to her.

"Who's this?" Candie asks confused .

"This is Michael. I guess you can say we're friends" I say introducing Michael. He waves and looks down.  

"Well I'm going to go with my friends Eva. Bye" Michael says to me.

"Bye" I say to Michael. I turn back towards Candie and we start to walk into the school. We get to our lockers and get our stuff. I totally forgot about homeroom. I start to walk to homeroom and I get there first. This is too early. Well tomorrow is Saturday so I'm ecstatic. I pull out my phone and plug in my earphones and listen to some Chris Brown.

Soon, people start pouring into the class like hooligans. We start to take notes and soon the class ended.

*S K I P   T O  T H E   E N D  O F  S C H O O L*

I'm currently walking with Michael to McDonalds down the street. When we get in McDonalds we get to the counter and order I order the Big Mac, Fries,and a sprite. Michael order and gets the Spicy Chicken, Fries, and a Sprite. When we get our food we sit down at one of the tables and start eating.

"What are you going to do for New Years Eva" Michael asks while chewing on his fries.

"I'm probably going to spend time with family and friends. What about you" I explain.


"I'll maybe do the same"He says 

We get done eating our food and throw all the wrappers away before walking out. 

"Want to go to the mall and window shop?" I ask nonchalantly.

 "Yep, lets go because I'm bored" He says with a bored sound in his voice.

We make it to the mall and it's crowded as always. We go to some shops and have a lot of fun. We start to get tired and sit down at one of the benches in the mall.

"Eva can I ask you something?" He asks nervously.

"Shoot" I say looking at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend" He asks.

"Yes! I will be your girlfriend!"I say happily.

He kisses me and goes by my neck kissing me

"Your just another part of me" He whispers in my ear.



809 words

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