"Come with me to the other room."

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Richie Tozier's curly, black locks brushed against Beverly Marsh's forehead as they kissed. It was now considered normal in The Losers Club when Richie and Beverly were all over each other. They held hands when they walked and kissed when everyone was watching.

Especially when Eddie Kaspbrak glanced over.

Eddie had been dying to open up to Richie and tell him how he though about kissing him every day. But just as he collected up his courage, he stumbled upon Rich and Bev kissing on his living room couch. Saying that broke the small boy's heart was an understatement.

That was months ago though. Eddie was given lots of time to move on and find love in another person. However, even eight months later, he felt nothing for anyone else even remotely close to what he felt for Richie.

"F-F-Full H-House is on t-t-tonight." Bill Denbrough said as Richie and Beverly made out at their lunch table.

"We'll definitely come," Stanley Uris shot a smile at Bill before kicking Richie in the shin. "Right?"

"Yes, Sir!" Richie saluted Bill then ran his fingers through Bev's auburn hair.

"I'll have to see if my mother lets me." Eddie spoke silently, looking down.

"I'll go over with you and convince her, she adores me!" Richie laughed and softly punched Eddie on the arm.

"Would you stop?" Eddie snapped loudly before getting up, throwing his lunch away, and leaving the cafeteria.

"Well shit." Mike Hanlon looked at Richie concerned.

"Should I go make sure he's okay?" Ben Hanscom asked solemnly.

Everyone's eyes were on Richie. No one knew what to do or why Eddie had suddenly broken away from the group.

"I, uh, I'll go." Richie stood up stiff as a robot. He bent down and kissed Beverly once more before following the way Eddie went.

The boy nicknamed trashmouth wandered outside, looking for any sign of Eddie Kaspbrak. And soon he did. He saw the small boy hurdled in a ball, but got up to run when he glanced at Richie.

"Eds!" Richie ran after him, following him through the metal double doors of one of the school's buildings.

"Eds." Richie was finally caught up to him. Eddie had stopped running when he reached the hallway. He'd gotten yelled at once for running, and never ran inside again. "What's wrong?"

"Forget it, Rich." Eddie pushed past Richie, who was blocking his pathway. "I said fucking forget it."

"Fine, if you won't open up I will." Richie had never sounded so serious in his entire life. Even when Richie didn't walk away from jokes, his tone never sound this way. "I don't love Beverly Marsh."

Eddie stood looking up at him, his mouth open from shock.

"I'm only dating her because my dad wants some great girl, or any girl for that matter, that I can bring home and show him that I'm not the fucking faggot he's afraid I'm going to be." Richie wasn't yelling but he wasn't talking at his normal volume. He felt his eyes water as he looked down at Eddie. "I kiss her, touch her in front of you because I can't take being around you and not touching and kissing you. You, Eddie Kaspbrak."

Eddie didn't know what to say. He just stared at Richie.

"Please say something." Richie had finally mustered out just as the bell rang for fifth period. "Fuck." Richie ran his hand through his tangled curls and walked away down the halls, wiping tears from his brown eyes.

"Popcorn!" Mike yelled in triumph as he entered Bill's living room.

Bill was perched in his old man's recliner, Stan sitting on the floor next to it, Ben sat on the left end of the couch towards Bill, and Beverly and Richie cuddled on the right side. Eddie hadn't shown up.

You really screwed up this time didn't ya Rich? Richie Tozier's mind was filled with that little voice scolding him. Soon enough Richie believed it. He had screwed up. Eddie will never speak to him again knowing he's, that.

"I'm gonna take a piss before we start." Richie announced, lifting his arm off of Beverly's shoulder.

"Shit." Richie said to himself in the mirror of Bill's bathroom. "Shit!" He tugged at a curl, like he had done earlier in the day. "You're such a fucking idiot Tozier." As he stared at himself he felt the tears wanting to fall down his face again. "Don't you fucking dare."

He wiped his forming tears and walked out of the bathroom. As his heavy feet walked into the living room, Eddie was sat in between Beverly and Ben. He smiled as Richie entered. He walked with wide eyes and sat down next to Beverly, rewrapping his arm around her. But this time, she was pressed against the arm of the couch and Richie was basically rubbing thighs with Eddie. The couch was pretty small, it was a three seater with four people on it.

The show started, everyone cheered and sang to the title song. Richie was tapping to the beat on his thigh and singing obnoxiously into Beverly's ear, sometimes leaving a kiss on her neck.

Richie had distracted himself pretty well throughout half of Full House. That was before he felt Eddie Kaspbrak wrap his pinky finger around Richie's. Richie could see Eddie looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Come with me to the other room." Eddie's voice whispered in his ear, sending shivers down Richie's spin. Eddie let go of his pinky and walked into the kitchen. Richie counted to twenty, then followed.

"What?" Richie whispered into the darkness, only really able to see the outline of Eddie's face.

"I'm sorry," Eddie started. "I'm sorry for not answering when I should have. I'm so fucking sorry for not telling you I - I think I'm in love with you."

Richie felt his breath get taken away from him. His heart was either beating faster or not at all, he couldn't tell.


Just as Eddie was about to say his name, he felt their lips meet. Richie placed a hand on Eddie's cheek, securing him into the kiss. Richie tasted like cherry coke and cigarettes, oddly sweet. The taller boy walked Eddie over to the countertops, not breaking the kiss to lift him up. Richie stood in between Eddie's legs, getting deeper and deeper in the kiss. He moved his hand from Eddie's face, to the left side of his neck, using his thumb to tilt his head up. Richie broke the kiss only to move down to his neck. Eddie rocked his hips as Richie licked and nibbled at his skin, preparing to leave purple hues on him. Eddie let out a soft moan, which was much more satisfying than any moan Richie had heard leave Beverly's mouth.

Things were escalating quickly. They probably would have gone the extra mile if Eddie hadn't heard the tv click off.

"Rich!" Eddie pushed on his shoulder a little. "Richie!"

"What?" Richie let go of his neck, looking annoyed at Eddie. He noticed the lights in the other room at been switched on and no sound was leaving the tv. "Fuck!" Richie laughed, planting another kiss on Eddie's mouth then helping him off the counter.

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