Ronmione Trouble

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Harry's POV
"I would. You" Ginny said. I looked at her and stared. She loved me enough to marry me? Is that what she meant? Marriage? Love? Kids together? Family? I knew I loved her enough for it, but I thought we were too young for it.
She snapped her fingers on front of my eyes and brought me out of my thoughts. "You've got to be kidding me!" I said shocked. "What? Don't you love me ? Is that what you mean? All this time we've spent together? You never loved me? Harry tell me? Who do you love. What did I..." before she could finish, I slammed my lips on her to make her quiet. She pulled away and looked at me. "Sorry! I love you" she said. I smiled "I love you too"
"Aaaaaa..." A cry came and we looked and saw Teddy screaming, so we went to help him.
Hermione's POV
"Hey Ron" I call and walk to his room
Now that Harry and Ginny were gone, I thought of sharing room with Ron. "Hello? Ron?" I called again. I turned and saw the door open and Ron walked in. He looked angry. "That bloody git will pay for this. How can he do that." He muttered as he walked in to the room he didn't notice me. "Ron? What happened?" I asked. "Hey mione!" He said and sat on the bed.
"Harry! That's what happened. How can he take my sister and stay with her?" He shouted. "Ron! Calm down" I said I put and arm on his shoulder but he pushed it away. "Hermione, he is living with my sister. What if..what if.. she's too young" He said sadly. "Ronald Weasley! I know Harry. He won't do it. At least until Ginny let's him. He is like my brother, just like Ginny is your sister okay?" I said calmly.
"YOU DONT GET IT DO YOU? ALWAYS WITH HARRY! I SUSPECT YOU LOVE HIM MORE THAN ME! HE IS WITH MY SISTER AND I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO WORRY! THIS IS OUR THING HERMIONE. STAY OUT OF IT. OUT OF MY LIFE. WE'RE DONE HERE. THATS IT. BYE." Ron screamed at me. "I DO LOVE HARRY. LIKE A BROTHER RON. HE MAY BE A GIT TO YOU, BUT TO ME , HE IS A BROTHER. AND GINNY IS MY BEST FRIEND. SO SHUT UP RONALD WEASLEY! AND IF YOU'RE DONE, THEN FINE. SO AM I" I shouted and I packed my things and apparated to Harry's home. I was broken. I knew what I said. I trusted Harry. I loved him. But like a brother I never got. I don't want to be done with Ron. I love him. He's my life. I want us back. I just sat on the doorstep and cried until I got hold of myself. I stood up and brushing the hair out of my face, and wiping the tears, I rang the doorbell and waited.

Ginny's POV
I heard the doorbell ring and went to open, I saw Hermione standing outside, with a bag and a trunk. She looked different, like sad and broken. I thought about it and then realized where I was so I opened the door. Hermione ran in and start on the couch. She out her head on the hand of the couch, and started crying hysterically. I went up to her and put an arm on her shoulder. She didn't do anything, so I asked her," mione, what happened?" She didn't say anything, but then started saying things like, "Ron...I love him... break up.... living together" I couldn't get a clue. "Harry! Come here. AND HURRY UP!" I shouted and called him. He came running down the stairs with a crying Teddy in his arms. He saw Hermione and ran to her. He handed me the baby and then knelt down in front of her. He took her hand and strokes it softly. I have to admit, I knew they were like brother- sister, but I couldn't help feel jelous.

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