Chapter 3

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“Everyone please excuse this announcement. You schedules have been placed in the box outside of your dorm. The schedule begins today so don't be late. We do not take kind to tardiness,” the headmaster announced over the intercom.

I sleepily rubbed my eyes and sat up. After dinner Miranda was even colder than before, if that’s possible. She had decided to take the red bed so I was surrounded by a snow white comforter. This seriously had to be the best school ever, minus my roommate that is. The food was incredible, the interior was breathtaking and this mattress! Pure heaven.

I laid back onto the fluffy  pillows and sighed happily. I can't believe I’m actually here. Before I could get too comfortable I felt something, or someone, near.

I opened my eyes and jumped about a foot into the air. Miranda was standing over me with an envelope being shoved into my face. Seriously?! Again!

“What the hell are you doing?” I shouted. My left hand went over my heart, hoping to slow down the suddenly fast pace.

“Just thought you’d want your schedule,” she said as if she were tired of me already.

“Does no one believe you can get a paper cut in your eye?” I asked hysterically. My heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest.

With a simple “Whatever” and a drop of my envelope she walked over to her side of the room.

After I calmed my thankfully still beating heart down I sunk back into my bed and ripped open the cream envelope excitedly.

 7:30- 1st: History

8:30- 2nd: Calculus

9:30- 3rd: English

11:30- 4th: Science

12:30- 5th: Advanced Contemporary Literacy/Reading

1:30- 6th Dance

“How’s your schedule looking,” I asked, still looking down at my schedule. Unfortunately

the sound of our dorm door shutting was the only response I received.

“Should’ve expected that,” I said to myself.

I checked the time on my purple and black alarm clock. 7:15, it read. I can not be late on the first day!

I hurriedly ran over to my closet and chose the first thing my hand touched. I slipped on my bright, floral skirt reaching mid-thigh. It has ruffles going down and lime green and pink flowers. I put on a pink cami and slipped on a green tank over it.

I grabbed my black dance bag and threw in my black and light blue leotard. After double-checking I had everything I would need, I headed off to my first class. The hallway was a complete disaster zone. Everyone was bustling around and shoving each other. Most of everyone was lost. Finally some teachers came and got traffic moving and soon classes got settled.

My first class was History and let me tell you, it was the best class ever. Usually you expect an old, boring, man or woman as your teacher. Well, he was a man alright, but I wouldn’t say old and boring. He was a god. He was fit, and handsome, and gorgeous! That dirty blonde hair that just reached his eyebrows, mixed with those ocean blue eyes, and chiseled cheekbones... Needless to say I didn’t learn anything in that class, and I probably never will. Getting to look at that man everyday was enough for me. As long as he was teaching summer school I’d gladly go. Then there was Calculas, my long time frenemy. Just when I think I’ve got the concepts that witch slides the carpet from under me again.

Getting to know everyone was pretty cool though. Luckily, I hadn't come across anyone with too bad of an attitude. When I talked to the kids from other school, I realized that the majority of the students were actually SUPER talented. This one girl was a dancer, like me, and could twist her body into a pretzel! Well, that lowered my ego. I had one class with Jacob and he had just as good of a time as I had. When I saw him in the classroom, he was surrounded by a group of other band geeks(I assume).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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