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Rosemary's POV~

A few days of walking to your possibly impending doom is really fun. It also gives time for a person really think about their short life they've had and what they're done in it. I mean it's the only way to get my mind off of the sharp pain going through my tired legs and mind from the almost 3 days of walking I think at least. To be honest ive been kinda dizzy, like I'm not really here but half awake and half asleep.

"Common... how much farther is your secret evil layer?" I croaked looking up from my feet at my capture.

"Not long." She muttered.

The past 3 days we have literally been through a winter storm in high mountains, then through an rain storm that sounded like a rainforest, and now we are walking through an forest through the extreme heat. It all doesn't seem real, i mean it isn't possible for the places to change so quickly and the weather too. I would like the blame the fact that I've probably been drugged, but I have a feeling in my gut that it is real and I'm not making any of this up. And on top of that my wrists were bleeding from a stupid rope being tied around them, with the girl pulling my in front.

I Look up above me and see the blurry leaves above me. Everything is quiet. All you hear is the soft singing birds and the gusts of wind traveling through the green leaves generally brushing against each other. It would be peaceful if you know, I wasn't drugged and kidnapped.

We continued through the forest for hours. Until the light through the trees began to diminish into almost nothing. Even though there was barely any light to lead the way you could just see the tree and forest. Almost like a silver lining, the birds had almost completely stopped singing and started to go home. I wish I could go home too.


The girl drew back my attention from my thoughts.

I looked at the girl. She was pointing in front of her. I took a few steps to her side to get a better view at what she was pointing at. My eyes widen at the sight. In the dark small red lanterns tied on to trees lite up a small path through the forest. We began to walk along the path guided by the small red lights on the trees.

I began the get into a fighting state of mind, I needed to be prepared for a fight. I watched the girl waiting for her to make any kind of hint of attack. But nothing. Shortly she stopped in front of an very old tree that was slightly larger than the rest. She turned around and faced me with a stern expression, then dropped the rope she had been using to pull me around. She pulled out a small dagger from her sheith on her waist. I started to step back. She's going to kill me then burry me! No one will be able to find me!

"Stop.. what are you going to do?" I continued to step back and began to swing around my hands tied together in an attempt the protect myself. I raced through ideas how to get away. I wanted to use my magic but I knew I was too weak physically and mentally and wouldn't be able to do anything. Plus I don't have my crystals.

"Stop squirming!" She yelled in annoyance.

"No way!"

"I won't hurt you!" She yelled again dropped the dagger and managed to grab both of my arms. She overpowered me very quickly and easily, and all the while she just kept keeping her eyes on my own. Rather of the feeling of evil or troubled I always got when looking down an opponent I had a feeling of someone who wasn't a threat to me. I slowly calmed down and stopped struggling. I don't know why, I just feel like she is telling the truth that she won't hurt me.
Once I stopped struggling she reached for the knife again and felt a wave of anger and nervous which she noticed.

"Look. I'm not going to hurt you. Im just going to cut off the ropes, it's probably hurting your wrists a lot." She said calmly and slowly brought the dagger closer. I reminded on edge and ready to fight again even though it wouldn't do much. It's better than doing nothing.

She brought the dagger to the roped and in one swift slash she cut off the rope without even touching my skin with the blade. She gently pulled away the ropes from my bleeding wrists. I flinched as she did.

"Just one more thing Rosemary, then you'll feel better, I promise." She said wish a sad smile on her face. This girl.. this small girl is different from when she first took me. Rather than the hubris she showed in front of everyone back at our guild. Which one is the the real person? Hubris or this kind one?

"Stop looking at me like that. You look dumb." She said in a matter of fact voice which pissed me off. hubris. The hubris is definitely the real one.
Her hands began to glow blue again like when she was healing my brother. The feeling of warmth began to go through my hands and I watched as my wounds began to close up and irritation slowly stopped.

"What's your name again?" The question butted out of my mouth before I had time to stop it. I quickly mentally slapped myself as the girl looked up from my fully healed wrists. She stared at me for a few moments before bursting into laughter.


I grew very annoyed and yelled, "WHAT?! IT WASN'T A DUMB QUESTION!" I crossed my arms and a little bit embarrassed.

"Yeah! It is! You're asking the person who kidsnapped you their name so politely! Bahaha!" She placed her hand on a near by tree for support.

"Ohhhhhh that was funny.." she sighed after her burst of laughter. We sat for a few moments of silence then she spoke up, "It's Emi. Anyways my brothers will be waiting and we've already taken too long." She said

"Too long?! We walk for days!" I said amazed. She giggled, "yeah well I decided to use the minimal amount of portals needed."




"Cuz I didn't feel like it." She said happily then continued, "Anyways, we should hurry. And please don't try to run away. There's no point. Even if you did manage to hide and get away they would make me take someone else." Emi turned around and began to walk towards the older tree trunk.

I frowned and took a few steps forwards. "Then why did you chose me." I asked almost demanded. She stopped right in front of the tree.

"Because you're strong. You're different." She said looking down at her feet. "You understand that the darkness from us weak humans isn't simple as everyone believes it is." She reached and grab at her shirt over her heart, in a way that reminded me of an animal trying to claw through dirt trying to dig out something. I don't get what she was trying to say or imply about me. But I had the feeling that she was trying to ask me to do something, that it was almost a plea for help.

Suddenly she pointed at the old tree trunk making me jump a little. I looked at the tree trunk and realized at first glance you wouldn't notice it since it was dark, but after a few seconds I realize there's a large opening in the hallow trunk, almost like a door way. I took a few steps and slowly went inside to face a silvery water on the inside, look almost like silk. I was opening my mouth to ask what the hell it was but before I could do so I felt two small hands push me from behind and I went tumbling forward into the silver water then it was darkness.


How was that? We got a little further with Rosemary. I know it's kinda slow right now but there's somethings I want to really express

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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