Chapter 1

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Andrews POV

"Stop staring dude. If you want to look at the damn girl just go talk to her."

"Yea! Ask the crazy bitch for her number! See if she'll shave your head for you."

The comments kept coming. I wasn't keeping track of who said what. I'd heard it all before. I immediately went on my defense.

"I wasn't staring."

"Then what do you call it? Star gazing? Man, your getting as crazy as her. " Justin replied with a chuckle.

Madeline Courtney. She was easily the most beautiful girl in the school. She had a bit of an edge to her and her personality was striking. She had that bad girl image though. Anyone could see that she wasn't a bad person, but a daredevil? Yes.

Throughout the years she's become notorious for skipping school. Later you'd see pictures online of her doing something crazy that no normal person would do. She never let up a chance at a good dare, and therefore, people dared her to do things all the time. Just last week she was dared to climb to the flagpole on top of the school building. She did, and then she had the cops called on her. Both of her parents are rich and she gets off easily whenever she's in trouble though. Her punishmentis never anything too bad.

Everyone thinks she makes up things for herself to do too. Back in 6th grade she even shaved all her hair off. Madeline returned to school with a smile on her face saying her cousin dared her, nobody remembered her having any close cousins.

Not that it's not normal for teenagers to drink, but everyone says Madeline drinks a lot, maybe even does drugs. I don't know if I believe it. She comes to school late all the time looking bad. She always looks worn out and clumsy, she always has to go to the nurse for headaches. As far as I know that all points to hangover. She never denies it either, but she also never admits it as true.

The girl never gets too close to anyone. That is, except for her forever friend Caroline. They'd been friends since Madeline first moved here towards the end of sixth grade. Caroline knew everything there was to know about Madeline, and how would I know? Because Caroline is the closest I've ever gotten to Madeline.

Everyone knew that I'd had a crush on Madeline since freshman year. Then, sometime that year Caroline confronted me saying, and I quote, "Life's too short to not live to the fullest. If you want something take it. Trust me, Just ask Madeline out... or your gonna regret it later." Of course though, I never did. It's our junior year and I've barely talked to her. Instead I've gotten all my information from Caroline.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps coming towards me. I turned around.


"Congratulations Andrew Donovan! You have officially been invited to Madeline Courtney's 17th Birthday Bash!"

I stood there stunned. "Did she tell you to invite me?"

"Not exactly," Caroline stumbled, "she told me that I was in charge of inviting the best people, so I'm inviting you so that you finally have to talk to her!"

"Caroline. She doesn't even know me."

"She knows you like her." Caroline smirked.

"What!? Did you tell her?"

"No." Caroline admitted bluntly. "She brought it up if you must know. Apparently she heard people talking about how cute you two would be. Lord knows it took her long enough to find out."

"So what'd she say about me?" I probably looked like a little kid begging for presents on Christmas.

Caroline looked me straight in the eyes, "Madeline said... you have no chance. She said she has never thought about you in that way and never will."

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