chapter 3: Where's the teacher?

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It was dark in the spanish room. Nobody said a word. We all just sat down, and stared at eachother. We should have been studying, but we were all too nervous to even think. This one test can change your grade a whole letter. Fail this, and you might fail the class. Carmen walked into the room with Gretel and Nichole. They sat down and studied. Jack decided to open up his surface, and look up something Dota related. I was the first one to break the silence. "So, where's the spanish teacher?" Drake answered," I have no idea." Nichole added," You know, there's a law that says if the teacher isn't there in 15 minutes, then we can leave." "Cool" Said Gretel, "i'm going to start my timer." The minutes passed by. Everyone was almost certain that the teacher would not show up. Only one more minute left. We all looked at each other with anticipation.

Then, just before the 15 minutes were up, the math teacher, Mr. Ratikiwiki, stepped into the room and told us that the spanish teacher was running late and would be here shortly. He then told us to continue studying. We were all very dissapointed. We almost got the chance to miss our spanish finals. Then, Mr. Ratikiwiki asked us a question," why are the lights turned off?" All of us looked at eachother. Nobody wanted to answer him. Finally, I spoke up," We all just like it dark." We could tell he didn't like the answer; but he was to busy to get to the bottom of it. After he left, the minutes passed by. Still no spanish teacher. We began to wonder if something had happened to her. She was never late. Drake said," Well, I sure hope the teacher is ok." "Ya" I responded," sure wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Even though it would mean missing a final." Just as I said that, the teacher finally came into the room, and turned on the lights. She said," Wow! How can you all see in here with the lights off?" Carmen answered," Teenagers are just like that. They just don't need much light to see." Without further wasted time, the spanish teacher handed each of us our spanish test. We were expecting a huge test that would take a few hours to complete. What we got was far from that. It was just a few pages. Some of the questions were even multiple choice!

We all finished the test very quickly and proceeded to talk about what we were going to do over the summer. Somehow, we all got off topic and started to argue about movies. Jack said that Frozen was the best movie ever, and that Star Wars stank. After that statement, we all gave him looks of disgust, and started to explain to him that you cant judge a series by a few movies, and that you have to watch all of them. I said that Star Wars are the best movies of all time. Nichole said that Lord of the Rings are the best movies, and Carmen looked at all of us and said sarcastically," Wow, now how did I know you all were going to pick those movies?" We all looked at each other, and realized that we already knew what movies were our favorites, and that arguing about them was pointless. Then the spanish teacher decided to let us out early. We had a long break, and went to study hall after that. The study hall was pretty boring and uneventful.

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